Chapter sixteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Natsu: Grr...
Lucy: eep!
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

We turn our heads to look at the owner of the voice.
"Anjerika!" I exclaim. Another girl was standing next to her. She looks similar to Anjerika but with white wings and horns.

 She looks similar to Anjerika but with white wings and horns

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"How did you get out?" Anjerika asks. I look at Happy who simply smiles before frowning.
"You were the girl who took Lushee!" He says angrily.
"Happy, calm down, she's helping me get out." I calm him down.
"Right!" She says happily. "This is Chōwa (me: translation - Japanese for Harmony), my sister. She's going to help us."
"Hello!" Happy says, controlling his anger. Chōwa says nothing.
"She's mute." Anjerika explains. Chōwa moves forward and motions us to follow her. "She knows how to get out of here." We all run after her.

Natsu p.o.v

What's taking them so long!? I had gone home the previous day but came back before the light of dawn. AND THEY WERE STILL ASLEEP!

I'm waiting in the office from before, staring at the book. I wonder what would happen if I touch it... I slowly reach my hand and touch, only to receive an electric shock.
"Ow!" I mentally scold myself. How could I be so stupid?

"What are you doing here so early?" Sting walks in, yawning.
"I want to get them back." I reply. "Have you figured something out yet?"
"Yukino is still out cold, we'll have to look for ourselves." Rogue says as he joins us.
"We can't touch the book without getting hurt." I say.
"Maybe we could..." Sting starts.

We try using sticks to open it. We use our magic. We use a pencil. We use a pen. We use a completed job request sheet. We use tweezers. We use pliers. We try asking it. We try intimidating it. We apologise and ask nicely again. We beg. We throw it on the floor. We stomp on it. We punch it. We apologise once more and brush it off. We try threatening it. We throw stuff at it. We throw it at stuff. We stab it with glass but it throws us back. We then stab it with pencils. Again, doesn't work.

We sit down in the food, exhausted and out of ideas.
"What do we do now?" Sting asks.
"Damn book." I say and throw the book across the floor.
"What are you doing, I could hear you on the other side of the guild?" A voice asks.
"Yukino!" We all happily cheer. "You're awake!"
"Thanks to you." She glares at us.
"How can we open the book?" Rogue asks.
"I told you, didn't I? Only a celestial wizard can open it. And we can't make the portal again without waiting for at least 100 years." She explains.
"Why didn't you tell us that sooner!?" We all exclaim.
"Because I only just remembered." She says. "I'm sorry Natsu. I'll try to find another way in."
"There is." Another voice says.

"W-Who are you?" Sting asks the woman. She is hovering above us. She has long white hair and hazel eyes. She's wearing a plain white dress that simmers slightly.
"My name is Tsuki." She says. (Tsuki: I'M BACK! | Me: where the heck did you come from? By the way, her name means Moon)
"W-What do you want?" Rogue asks, slightly dazed.
"You're looking to find Lucy Heartfilia and Happy Dragneel, no?" She says. We nod our heads. "They are in the golden prison...though its not very golden... I can take you to them."
"Great! Let's go!" I say happily.
"On one condition, I am soon to give birth and cannot look after my child." She says, though she didn't look fat (me: pregnant, Natsu, pregnant | Natsu: but pregnant people are fat! | Lucy: it's still rude!) "if I take you to them, you must keep my child safe until he is older, I'm not asking you to parent him, over him."
"Of course." I say without hesitation. I just wanted to see Luce again....and Happy.

"I can only make this once, any more and I'll attract...unwanted attention to myself. This is a one off." She says.
"Why are you helping us?" Yukino asks.
"I have my reasons." She says.

She waves her hand and a golden portal appears.
"Step through here while imagining Lucy and Happy." She says and disappears.
"Good luck Natsu!" Sting says.
"Aren't you coming?" I ask.
"Nah, as much as I'd love to rescue Blondie, something's telling me that only you can do it." He says. We smile and nod at each other before I step through.


Me: how are you still here?
Tsuki: just this once, pleeeeaaaase?
Me: fine, but please stay in character.
Tsuki: I humbly apologise.
Natsu: that's a little scary.
Happy: aye...
Mira: reminds me of someone...
Lucy: I wonder who that is...
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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