Chapter thirteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: That Damn Cat!
Natsu: MUST SAVE LUCE! *runs off in a random direction*
Mira: awwwww.
Lucy: don't you dare.
Happy: aye!
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

It was dark. It was lonely. It was comforting.

A bright light shines, almost blinding my closed eyes. Slowly, I force my eyelids open. I'm sitting on a blue bed and am in a black room with no windows or door. Above me is a light, the light it casts is in the shape of the Fairytail symbol, and I feel a little at home. I remember what happened. I wonder how Natsu and Happy are. What are they doing?

Happy p.o.v

"NATSU SLOW DOWN!" I yell as my wings grow tired.
"No, I can't slow down." He says as he speeds up. Well that was successful... with the last of my energy I land on his shoulder and lay down as best I can. "It's my fault that she's I'm going to get her back."
"That's great but how are you going to get her back?" I say.
"We need to visit some old friends." Natsu says.

"We are going to get her back, right Natsu?" I say, suddenly realising the gravity of the situation.
"Of course lil'buddy." He says encouragingly. But there was doubt in his voice.
"And when we do, you'll tell her?" I ask. Natsu blushes a little.
"Y-Yeah..." he says, hiding his face in his scarf.

"You'd better get her back because who's going to cook you food?" I say, feeling a bit more like my old self.
"That's what you're worried about!?" Natsu exclaims.
"Of course I'm worried about Lucy!" I protest. "But you get angry when Lushee hasn't cooked for you."
      "I do not!"
                 "You do!"
                "You doooooooooo!"
"Ok, maybe I do....NOT!"
"That's not fair you can't do that!"
"I just did." He says grinning. I cross my arms and pout. He so does.

We finally reach it. Natsu ran off in a random direction so we were lost for most of the journey.


"We are so lost." I say sighing.
"We're not lost!" Natsu protests.
"Where are we then?" I ask.
"In the middle of a forest!" He says.
"We should've just waited!" I say loudly. "The guild was coming and we could've got them to help!"
"There wasn't time!" I protest. "I was busy making sure that the gargoyle didn't eat us!" Natsu growls lowly. "But in all seriousness, do you even know where we're going?
"YES I AM USING MY SNOOTER!" Natsu yells. I giggle.
"Snooter..." I giggle.
"SHUT UP CAT!" Natsu yells. This just causes me to giggle more.

End of flashback

"Why are we here?" I ask Natsu.
"We're here to get Luce back." He says determinedly and walks in, me still on his shoulder.

Lucy p.o.v

I smile to myself as time passes. At least they'll be safe. I just hope the don't forget me.

A black circle of smoke appears and the woman that sent me here appears.
"Hello Lucy." She says. "I trust you're finding your stay comfortable."
"As comfortable as its going to get." I look at the Fairytail light.
"You know I don't like doing this." She says and I look down. She places a plate on the floor and waves her hand. A steak appears and I think of Natsu. "I thought you'd be hungry."
"Thank you." I say. I take the steak and smile sadly as the memory of our first meeting surfaces. I miss that dork.
"I thought you'd might like to know..." she starts and I look up. "Your friends are trying to get you back." I gasp.
"But they can't!" I exclaim. She smiles at me.
"It's about time we emptied this place." She says. "That's why I'm going to help them." I look at her in shock.
"B-But why!?" I ask her.
"Not all of my kind is bad." She smiles. "My name is Anjerika (me: Japanese for Angelica) by the way."
"Lucy...but you already knew that." I say.
"You'll see them soon." She says comfortingly.
"Promise me something?" I ask. She looks at me curiously. "If they are in any danger that you think they can't handle, you'll get them out."
"Of course."


Me: there.
Mira: *thoroughly reading* I will find a Nalu moment here.
Happy: there was a small one at the start.
Mira: WHERE!?
Happy: when Lucy was thinking about Natsu, and when Natsu blamed himself.
Me: I don't think they're proper moments though...
Natsu: aye!
Lucy: *hides in hands*
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: Byieeeeeee!

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