Chapter 37: Somebody That I Used to Know

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A couple days later, I was allowed to join the family in the library on strict instructions that I stay on the couch. It had taken two nights of whining and begging to be let out of the infirmary. In victory, I was heavily draped in the dark teal comforter off my bed and a couple pillows buried behind me. My abs were stiff with discomfort, and I couldn't help but wince every once in awhile when my whole torso would cramp as my muscles continued to regenerate and heal.

Jenny was seated on the floor on a thick cushion, playing with Felicity in front of the fireplace in their usual spot. I wanted to be on my bench seat, where I could look out the window, but Marcus had forced me onto the couch. He sat in his favorite armchair, my mother in its twin next to him. Off to the side of the fireplace, my father and Luce were engaged in a game of chess.

I sighed, leaning back into the pillows before reaching for the coffee cup of blood next to me. It was still warm, and I swallowed down a few gulps. I sat the mug down and let my head drop against the back of the leather couch.

A distant howl sounded from outside, and I immediately shot up into a sit, hissing as my muscles protested.

Everyone in the room tensed simultaneously.

"Just one of the border patrol's dogs," Marc said gently, his eyes taking me in with concern. "No wolves are allowed on the property, I promise."

I nodded slowly, looking down into my lap. "Thank you," I murmured. I leaned back again, feeling all my muscles complain from the effort of sitting up too fast.

My mother sighed, glancing at Marcus and then me. "I asked Eris to annul the treaty for now. The alliance needs to be put on hold until there is some sort of restitution or discussion on what happened. I don't want to be friendly neighbors with a nation who think it's okay to take my child whenever they please."

"You won't be dealing with those animals ever again if I have it my way," my father grumbled from the chess table.

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. Here it comes.

I had been waiting for it since he had discovered I was a hybrid.

He looked up from the game and I caught Luce's shoulders tense in anticipation. My father played the piece in his hand and stared at me. "I made it through nearly my entire life without needing to use that side of myself. You'll learn not to use it, too. We will lock it down with magic if we have to."

My left eye twitched. He'd made it sound as if I was no better than an animal. "Papa, I know how to control it when I want to turn. I learned something from them."

"You shouldn't have to control it at all. It shouldn't be a part of you."

"But it is," I argued back, bristling. "Just because you didn't learn and thought you had to vault that part of yourself away doesn't mean I have to."

"Serenity," my mother scolded.

"No, he needs to know this," I answered her before focusing my attention back on my father. "I didn't want this either, and I used to hate that part of myself. But I learned and now it's something that I actually look forward to. I like being able to shift and run. You'd enjoy it, too, if you'd give it a chance. It doesn't have to be something that's evil."

Papa's jaw clenched tight and his brow furrowed. "I don't want you associating with beasts, Serenity. You are a Mezdor. We may be hybrids, but we are vampires first."

"Stop calling them beasts! Jason was good to me before all this happened, and so were Maria and Thomas. They kept me alive when I was in that hell!"

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