Chapter 38.5: Haunt Me [Part 2]

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We ran for a half-hour before we stopped to look down the saddleback above the coven property line. I sighed and lowered my head between my shoulders as I watched the lights twinkling in windows from the coven house. It was still fifteen minutes away on two legs, but I could see the layout of the grounds from our vantage point.

Jason's nose pressed against my shoulder and I looked over at him. He wagged his tail slightly, his lips drawn back in a canine smile that still looked hesitant.

I sighed again and dropped down onto my stomach. I don't want to go back, I confessed. He's going to be furious I left.

Do you want me to come back with you?

I looked up at him, my ears finding the back of my head. No. It's not a good idea, I answered.

He huffed and touched the side of my face gently with his nose. Let Avalon turn his anger on me. Better me than you.

I shook my head again, feeling oddly human in my fur. With a little extra effort, I got back to my feet and began to head forward down the ridge. I can handle him. Besides, I have my brother and Marc. I don't want you there.

Jason caught up with me, keeping his steps in tandem with mine. I think I can handle a man who doesn't know how to walk in his fur.

Jay, my father is an extremely powerful magic practitioner, I warned. I turned so we were facing one another and I wagged my tail slightly. I'm happy I got to see you, but I don't want you to come any closer so he can't smell you on the property. I'd rather just slip inside unnoticed and stay off his radar.

He sighed, his ears flicking back and forth. I could sense his confusion, his need to defy my warnings and stay with me. But I was doing this for both of us. I love you, he answered finally.

My tail wagged again and I nuzzled his chest with my nose. And I love you. I've missed you.

And I've missed you. Come to the meadow. I need to see you, make sure you're okay.

I will, promise, I answered. I turned my head as my ears picked up the distant sound of my name. I listened again, ears perked. My tail stopped wagging. Luce's voice filled the quiet again, calling for me. I'm sorry, I have to go.

Before he could say anything to stop me, I took off down the hill and into the lower land. I ran as quickly as I could through the trees with longer strides and skirted the back pasture so I wouldn't spook the horses. I jogged along the dirt road until I came closer to the guard barracks and then made a wide berth for the side of the house and the garden.

Luce was waiting as he scanned the property. Once he saw me, his hand dropped to his side from where he'd been shielding his vision. I slowed down into a trot until I was a few feet away. My ears flicked back and I wagged my tail once in a hesitant greeting. He sighed and looked over his shoulder. "There you are. Dad's about to have an embolism if you didn't turn up. We've been looking for you all night."

I growled softly, hating that he wouldn't understand me like Jason would. Papa would understand, too, if he took the time to learn.

"Yeah, I know," Luce answered me, as if he actually had heard human words. "C'mon, let's get you inside."

I followed him when he held the door open to the ground floor corridor. Once we were inside and near the offices, I scratched open the door to the study just off our mother's office. I glanced over my shoulder and Luce turned his head. With a grunt, I felt myself shift and I pushed back up onto two legs.

"I'm gonna sleep good tonight," I mumbled, feeling exhausted. I grabbed the blue cashmere throw from the divan and wrapped it around my body, leaving my bare calves to peek out from beneath the blanket.

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