Chapter 58: Come Back When You Can

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"You sure you don't want to stay another week, Mistress Alpha?" he asked as I handed my last bag to the driver. "Push your trip back. Let's enjoy this break before your summit."

I smiled and turned around to face him as I pushed my hands into my anorak coat's pockets. "I told you, I'm needed in Ireland first. There are other matters that have to be addressed before the conference."

Jason smirked and shook his head, amused. He had been trying to entice me into staying for two days. "Then make the Celtics wait a few more days. I think their 'pressing' needs can wait forty-eight hours."

"Jay," I admonished as I moved towards him. "I've already delayed this for two extra nights. I can't put it off again or my aunt is going to fire me."

His arms circled around my shoulders as he pulled me into his torso. "Even better. You don't need a job, and it will give you more time to help plan your coronation. I can't do it by myself."

I giggled against his chest and shook my head. "God, you're shameless. There is plenty of time for all that. I have to do this."

I had already delayed leaving for Dublin when my family had gone back to their homes. It gave me a few extra nights with Jason at Tanière du Loup, just the two of us. But my instructions and travel arrangements couldn't be changed again to handle my personal life, and I couldn't stomach disappointing my aunt by playing hooky. The summit was one of the largest events held each year.

"How long is this trip again?"

I pulled back, tipping my head up to look at him. "A week. You can handle that, right?"

Jason sighed dramatically before chuckling. "I think I can keep myself preoccupied for that long while you finish flitting about Europe."

"Good, because you don't get a choice," I teased. "I'm needed in Ireland for a couple nights and then the Capitol for opening processions and remarks. Hopefully, I won't have to stay until the end of the summit and can come back a night earlier."

From behind me, I heard Thomas clear his throat. "Mistress Serenity, it's time if you want to make your flight."

I glanced over my shoulder at the redheaded guard standing near the door in his black suit. I smiled and nodded, watching him step back outside to watch the door. I turned back to Jason, my grin slowing. It finally felt real that I was leaving after nearly a week of being by his side.

"I'll see you soon," he said softly. "Promise."

I nodded again, my eyes closing when his lips touched my forehead. "I know."

Jason pulled back, his mouth lowering to mine in a soft kiss that lasted longer than usual, as if the next week would last too long. I gripped his shirt in my hands, memorizing the feel of it beneath my fingers. When he released me, he smiled again and slipped a lock of my hair behind my ear. "Let me know when you make it there in one piece?"

I giggled and nodded again. "Yes, I'll give you a call after we land. Promise."

"Good. Then get going so you don't miss your plane," he chuckled.

I smiled and put my hands back in my pockets. "See you in a week, Hellmutt," I teased. I love you.

I love you, too, sweetheart, he answered silently. "Get out of here. Come back when you can."

I winked and then headed for the doors as I followed Thomas out to the car. The black SUV that waited for me had its back door opened, the driver standing beside it. I sighed, suddenly not ready to go. It'll be over before you know it, and you'll be back here in no time, I tried to reassure myself silently.

"See you in a week, Tom," I said before getting into the car. "Can you please be sure he doesn't dwell around here the whole time?"

"Of course, Mistress Serenity. Alpha's orders."

I smiled at the redhead. "Just be happy you only have to babysit him and not me," I added sarcastically.

Before he could say anything, the driver shut the door and I sighed in the silence. I leaned back into my seat and closed my eyes. Things would never be the same for the rest of my life, and it was finally settling in.

Normal was gone forever.

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