Chapter 46: Hypnotized

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Thomas and Daniel approached from the opposite side of the grand foyer as the ballroom, weaving through the crowd as the guests began to filter in to find their seats in what I assumed was the throne room. The redhead held a hand up to catch my attention and I stayed where I was, waiting for him to reach us. "Miss Serenity," he greeted, nodding his head and dropping his eyes. "You look beautiful, as always. I came to escort you to your seat."

I frowned, tipping my head to one side. "Aren't I sitting with my cousins?"

He shook his head. "No, Miss Serenity. You will be sitting with Maria."

"Hah, that's funny. I'm not Alpha Elite. I belong with my family," I said, not believing him. I didn't belong any higher than my cousins or my aunt and uncle.

"It's already been arranged. And I was sure to keep you off to one side where you won't feel conspicuous."

Before I could protest, Thomas stepped up so we were only a few inches apart, his head bowed down close to my ear. "It's for Jason, Serenity. He needs your support." 

I glanced over at Gabriel and Nikolas as they tried to make sense of the situation. "Tom, I don't want to hurt his reputation, even if he thinks he needs me. He doesn't. He can do this," I murmured just as quietly.

"Serenity, he will do better if you're in his sight. Tonight, he needs that comfort."

"Okay," I answered with a sigh, giving in. If it helped him, I would do it. But it didn't mean I was ready to talk future plans and it didn't mean I would become a permanent fixture at Meadowlark or Tanière du Loup.

Thomas exhaled, clearly relieved I had agreed. He offered his arm and I took it. "Thank you, Miss Serenity," he said softly.

I nodded again and looked at Gabriel and Nikolas. "I'll see you guys after. I'm not sitting at the monarchy table," I told them before Thomas began to lead me into the throne room. I turned my head back forward and raised my chin slightly as I let the dominance in me free again.

I didn't care what was said when people began to part to get out of Thomas's way as we walked through the carved wooden doors into the large room. I glanced over my shoulder briefly to see Daniel not far behind us with Maria on his arm. Facing front again, I swallowed and kept my eyes focused on the platform at the back of the room where an ornately carved wooden throne sat, draped with wolf skins. To its right was a more delicate chair with white fur, saved for the King Alpha or Queen Alpha's right hand adviser, their mate. Another chair of lesser grandeur sat on the left of the monarch's. I glanced at the two chairs on the next step down that were flanked off to the right of the throne and then took in the rest of the room: the large, arched windows, the growing green ivy vines that were climbing up the walls, the hand-painted murals depicting the legends of lycanthropy, and the skylights that let in strong, glittering pools of moonlight that fell in puddles on the floor. The middle of the ceiling was colored a deep blue with every phase of the moon carefully painted among tiny silver stars and constellations.

It was beautiful and I wanted to pause and stare at it longer.

Thomas stopped at the chairs I had guessed were for the two of us girls and he gestured for me to sit in the one closer to the right hand's chair. I narrowed my eyes at him, shaking my head ever so slightly. I didn't want to sit one chair away from being Jason's right hand, his chosen second and mate.

Not going to happen.

He wrinkled his nose at me, not pleased I was refusing. He gestured to the chair and then tipped his head towards the guests that were coming into the room, watching us.

I growled softly under my breath and moved to sit in the chair. "This isn't a submission," I muttered to him so he wouldn't think I was giving in twice under his will. It was because I didn't want to cause a scene.

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