Part 1

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Part 1

That day was my birthday. I had turned twenty-one, a free-swinging single girl. My friends had promised me a crazy night, and since they knew I still had my V-card with me, they were planning to help me solve that problem by nightfall.

I wasn’t sure if I remembered looking forward to spending my first night with a man I didn’t know. You can say that all my friends were sluts, but it remained a fact that they had all spent nights when guys. Before you can judge them all, only Linzy is a true blue slut.

Rose got deflowered by her boyfriend Scott, and they are still going strong and steady. Carrie really thought she was going to marry Leon when she agreed to have sex with him for the first time, but I guessed Leon freaked out at the thought of commitment. Elena’s first time was probably the saddest, since she got drunk and banged underage. But she was lucky that she didn’t get pregnant or STDs and she’d learnt her important lesson to watch her alcohol intake.

Back to the point: My friends had promised that I would go home without a hymen. I know, it was kind of crude to say it like that, but it was true that they’d promised me I wouldn’t have my V-card anymore. I don’t remember if I was excited or dreading it.

What I do remember is that I was getting extremely late for class.

The night before, I’d been counting down my birthday with my little sister. Then after she went to bed, I spent a few more hours replaying the entire Devil May Cry Series. I know; I’m a hardcore fan, but I’m pretty sure there were people worse than me in the obsession.

So I guess it was natural I got up half an hour late, and had to rush to my first lecture in the local university.

I bumped into Collins, my ex, but we didn’t really have time to talk. He seemed friendly, though I could still see he was kind of sore for my breaking up with him.

Maybe it’s a stroke of luck. Luck –that is a blessing in disguise.

You see, I had to go through this long section of alleyway, and then turn through a dark street in the more shabby part of town before I could get to the university. So when I ran into the alleyway, I found a large fight going on. It wasn’t rare that gang fights occurred around these areas, but it was rare that it happened so early in the day.

Still, I knew trouble when I saw it. Gangsters were fighting each other for the sake of their leaders, and machetes and guns were at work. I saw more than a few knuckle dusters, and clubs, but the guns were the scariest. There was a lot of screaming and hitting and gunshots.

Of course, 21 year old me stepped backwards, wanting to get out of the mess. Forget school. I would be thankful to even the stars if none of these people saw me. I had only turned 21; I wasn’t looking to end my life being caught in the crossfire.

Karma is a bitch. When I stepped back, back up for one of the gangs had arrived. I took one look at them, and for a comical moment, they took a look at me too –freezing in their surprise.

I guess I am better at shaking out my shock. I lunged forwards in a burst of speed, and put one foot desperately one in front of another. There were shouts behind me, and I actually heard gunshots, feeling some gravel of the footpath beside me fly. I yelped, but my life was more important than yelping here, so I kept on sprinting.

It helped that I used to be in my school’s track team in the past, so I ran a little faster than most of them. What I couldn’t outrun was their guns.

Think, Leah! My mind scolded me, though it cost me precious concentration. What would Dante do?

I must be going out of my mind to have thought that, but I swear to heaven, I seriously thought that. And that might actually turned out to save me.

Dante would kill them all. But since you can’t, you hide. See that bush over there? It leads down a slope. You can climb the tree beside it. It looks stable; and no one’s going to try to get you because they’ll risk falling down the slope. They can’t shoot you also; there’s too much leaves to get a good view of you.

Thinking back, it isn’t the best thought to have. Maybe if I just decided to run into the nearby café and dunk under the register, then I would have been saved the trouble. But obviously, I wasn’t thinking properly as I aimed for the tree, ignoring the loud footsteps chasing after me. Seriously, wasn’t a gang fight going on? Why was anyone wasting any energy at all chasing after me?

There was no possible way that I could climb a tree with my notes weighing me down.

I dropped my bag on my way to the tree, letting the thugs trample it for all I cared as I grabbed the lowest sturdy branch, swinging myself up. I considered myself an athletic girl –even more so than the usual jocks –and it was definitely working in my favor as I climbed the tree furiously, eyes keeping out for sturdy branches that could keep my weight up. Thank goodness the tree was old and had grown sturdy over the years.

Below, I could hear people shouting.

“Ay! I can’t see the lass!” I heard someone shout, and cheered internally for my victory.

“Keep searchin’! That bitch must be from the Serpents! No Serpent is going to get away from today’s fight alive!” A heard another gruff voice order, and my heart dropped. They thought I was the opposing gang member? Are they kidding?

The rustling of leaves below were unnerving as I found a branch that I could perch myself on, making sure that I was more or less covered from view by thick leaves and branches. The gang members below were trying to part a gap in the canopy to see me.

What would Dante do? My mind asked uselessly again, and I told it to shut up. Dante would rather be caught dead than to be in this situation.

Distantly, I heard the sirens ringing, and cheered softly. My saviors were here.

“The po-po is here!” Someone yelled, though it didn’t take a genius to know that the police were approaching –what’s with the obvious siren and all. “We still can’t find her!”

“Stupid! I have five men looking for one Serpent Girl? You’re all failures!” The original superior voice scolded again, and I squinted through a tiny hole to see someone hitting another figure on the head.

I yelped when gunshots rang, and a bullet whizzed dangerously past me, hitting the branch on top of me. There were more gunshots –and I realized, with a sinking heart that they were planning to shoot me out. Literally, I was a sitting duck.

I prayed for the police to come quick, but it wasn’t fast enough for me, for my luck held out. More bullets sprayed onto the branch above and beside me.

There was an excruciating pain that flared up my shin and I cried out in pain, loosening my deathly tight grip over the branch that I was perched up on. I heard a cheer from downstairs, then footsteps as the gang members began to run away. They thought they’d finally shot me down. Damned, I should have just yelped earlier…

I shifted to assess the extent of damage on the leg that the bullet had gone into, but it was the wrong thing to do. The branch creaked beneath my weight, and with the new bullets pummeled into it, weakening it, it cracked.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and prayed for the best.

No such luck.

I screamed when it broken entirely beneath my butt, and I began to fall. What was worst was that I’d climbed onto the side of the tree that was directly over the slope; the hill that led to a thick forest on the other side.

I dropped heavily from the tree like an apple would. Newton’s law of gravity was a sucker as my back burned with pain of contact with the hard ground. It wasn’t all, for I had fallen directly on the slope itself. I began to roll, and it was all I could do to protect my face with my arms.

Thinking back, it wasn’t the wisest thing to do, because it left the back of my head completely exposed.

Somewhere along the disorientating, mind-numbing rolling, a sharp rock on the slope jabbed into the back of my head. New-found pain exploded between my eyes, and everything went black.

I guessed I lost consciousness even before my body hit a tree in the thick forest, finally stopping my momentum.

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