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This is not the end of me yet. Let’s not be rid of my long-drawn narration so quickly, shall we?

What kind of a storyteller would I be if I didn’t update you on what happened next to me and my darling lover? I’m not going to leave our story like that. Nobody likes a cliffhanger, and I definitely don’t want to be charged for murder if I leave anyone hanging anywhere.

Anyways, after ‘unwrapping my present’, Vergil followed me home, where I introduced him to my perfect family. I begged and begged, and my parents finally relented, allowing him to stay in the spare room. They refused to believe that he was a video game character, but at least they treated him like a human, so we’ve got something going on for us.

Marielle obviously went crazy at the sight of my love.

I stopped going to the therapist.

Afterwards, I found out that in the three months that I spent back in the Human World without Vergil, he had been searching desperately for a way to come to me from Limbo. He worked himself sick, and had everyone worried as hell about him. But, as he slept in recovery, Eva visited him and questioned if coming to me was what he really wanted.

Of course my lover said yes. Eva told him to pack and get ready to leave, and my lover didn’t question his mother in his eagerness to see me. He bade goodbye to his world, ready to come to mine. And so Eva brought him here, and led me to him on the pretext that he was my present.

It was the best present a mother like Eva could ever give to me.

Moving on, in the days after we got back together, Vergil used the fake papers that his (our) mother provided for him to get himself a place in my University, in the same course as me. We ended up in the same classes, and even though I now had a jealous boyfriend shadow following me around, glowering at every boy who wolf-whistled at my passing by, I wasn’t disturbed. Vergil himself got many girls falling head over heels, but nothing was better than knowing that this hot man, this genius with the hot body and fiery temper, and a heart only I could tame, was mine.

In the Human World, no demonic or angelic phenomena exists for long, and so went Vergil’s heightened ability and demonic powers. Still, I must say his physical self is on top form, as I watch him run rounds around the school track without stopping at top speeds, without showing much difficulty. Vergil slowly became an athlete and a school genius, while I did my best to keep myself from swooning over him while I watched him train.

We often shared the bed together –much to the dismay of my parents. But my adoptive parents are understandable and accepting –and I love them for it. They understood that I was convinced that Vergil was my one and only, and past the initial stage of displeasure, Vergil got on well with them.

In times of privacy, Vergil and I often discussed about Limbo, and the happenings there.

It has been a number of years already, and still there is no contact from either Limbo or our mother. There hasn’t been a second sighting of angels since that day, and it slowly became clear that our lives were settled. I am not disgruntled, but I miss my life in Limbo.

I’m sure Vergil does too. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I hear him moaning Dante’s name. He misses his twin brother; I’m sure. Life is cruel, and in those nights that I stay up, feeling bad, I wonder if I should have dropped in in his life. Vergil keeps a strong front, but it is obvious that he misses his family.

I would too.

We often talk about Sparda too; coming up with speculations on what could have happened, and where he could be locked up. After sending Mundus locked to Hell, Vergil told me that there were less demons on the realm of Limbo. Refalnivial (or whom I knew as Reece), the demon that was close friends with Sparda, came to them and begged forgiveness. Of course, he received the forgiveness he asked for, and the latest news from Vergil was that he eventually settled down somewhere quiet. Of course, that was before Vergil came into my world and was stuck here (so we can't exactly consider it breaking news).

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