Part 15

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Part 15

“She has been broken.” Someone announced as I distantly drift back to the surface.

“I don’t know, Verge. It just seems like she’s sleeping –a lot.” A second voice replied, but there was an equally worried tone in that voice.

“She is not physically broken, but mentally. Her body heals, but her mind is shattered.” The first voice replied softly, as if the words hurt him to say it aloud. I distantly understand that they are talking about me, but the rest of me just reels and my world simply spins.

“What exactly happened? I’ve never seen you lose yourself. It must be the first time I see your demon control you. It didn’t even happen when you tried to stop me from getting Sparda’s power.”

There was a long moment of silence. I adamantly keep my eyes closed, because somehow, my mind convinces me that if I open my eyes, my fantasy will disappear, and I will be back in that room again, watching sunlight filter through the window. I will have that false hope again, and I would never break free. My mind convinces me that I’m dreaming up a conversation between Dante and Vergil in my head, and I believe it wholeheartedly.

“She was captured because of me. She means much more to us than we know.” The first voice, belonging to Vergil, admitted.

“What do you mean by that?” Dante’s curious voice replied quickly, as if he had never entertained the thought ever before.

Wow. Even in my fantasy, Dante didn’t think so highly of me. This dream-Dante was totally a mirror reflection of the real one.

“I heard her demon screaming when I went in to get her. The only reason I got to her was because Virgil awakened and cried out for Lily.” Vergil replied, but Dante’s response was almost immediate.

“Whoa, whoa. Back up for a little bit. Who’s ‘Virgil’ and ‘Lily’? And how are they related to Leah?”

Wow. Even in my fantasy, Dante was as daft as the real Dante. Like I said before; a real mirror reflection.

“Virgil is my demonic side. Lily is Leah’s demonic side. Like Etnad is yours.” Vergil stated simply, and it seemed to take a while for things to sink in, both for me and dream-Dante. I wasn’t sure if dream-Dante had thoughts of his own, but I would assume that he had, for the sake of keeping my fantasy as real as possible. I understood this was a way my disillusioned mind was dealing with my long capture and torture, but I probably would have fared better in a fantasy that was less technical and more… fantasy-like.

God-damn it, they were fantasies for a reason.

“You’re kidding. The last time I saw Leah alive and well, she pretty much struck me fully human. Don’t tell me she was changed, because I don’t recall knowing or hearing about anyone who was changed into a demon.” Dream-Dante said in an incredulous tone, and would have agreed with him wholeheartedly… save the fact that Lily had really been talking to me, and tearing my mind apart with her incessant screaming.

“Yes, but you forgot the fact that she has always been stronger and faster than the average human. We couldn’t sense anything demonic from her, perhaps because of the fact that it had always been dormant within her.” Vergil reasoned, and I heard movements.

The dream-bed I was sleeping in sank a little at the added weight, and I felt a warm presence at my side. Was it Dante or Vergil?

“You’re trying to tell me that Leah’s been a half-demon all this while, but kept her demon side away from us?” Dante asked, but his voice sounded where he had been, so it must be Vergil sitting on the bed beside me. But why would he? Vergil usually couldn’t be bothered with me, unless it was about Sasha or Leon.

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