Part 11

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Part 11

“Sasha,” Vergil said in a gentle tone that I had never heard in Devil May Cry, “can we talk? Alone?”

His wife nodded, looking a little worried at the seriousness that was hidden behind that gentle tone, offering a short order for Leon to not do anything inappropriate and stay safe while she excused herself. I watched as Vergil led them to a room at the back, and heard the soft click as a door closed.

“Miss Leah, do you know Papa? How come you knew his name before he introduced himself?” Leon jumped at the first chance we had alone to ask, climbing up expertly on the sofa beside me despite the fact that he probably couldn’t see. It hadn’t failed to amaze me at everything Leon did perfectly and precisely, without even needing any help from his parents.

“Um…” I drawled as I tried my best to come up with something that would satisfy the child. I couldn’t exactly tell him that his father had some sort of long-standing feud against me, and Vergil had never seemed to be able to accept the fact of staying around me for more than ten seconds. It suddenly struck me that Leon could very well be a quarter of a demon.

And it suddenly struck me how important Sasha and Leon were. They were Dante’s sister-in-law, and Dante’s nephew. They belonged in the Sparda family.

“I know your Papa from work.” I lied quickly, leaving things as vague as that. If Leon wanted to know more, then he would have to ask Vergil. I was leaving the ball in Vergil’s court, because I pretty much couldn’t think of what lie of a ‘job’ Vergil was holding down for his family.

Suddenly finding his family brought in an onslaught of questions I couldn’t answer. Like why he didn’t want to live with his family, and why he chose to live with Dante instead. There was also the question of why he didn’t tell Dante about his family, and why he wanted to keep his family a secret. Was it to protect them? I understood if that was the case. Being a son of Sparda, Vergil was probably not the best choice for many women.

Still, I didn’t see this coming at all.

“You’re a demon hunter too, Miss Leah? Cool!” Leon’s face brightened up again, and for a moment there I wondered if there was anything that could make him brighten up even more.

“Um… I’m not exactly a demon hunter, but I know his… colleague.” I barely stopped the word ‘brother’ from spilling forth. If Vergil hadn’t told Dante about his family, I guess it was safe to assume that he hadn’t told his son about his brother too. I doubted that Vergil would expose his family to demonic influences. The fact that Vergil openly admitted to his son that he was a demon hunter was pretty shocking, for a fact.

“Is Papa cool at his job? He doesn’t want to tell me anything about it.” At that, Leon frowned a little, a little of the childish naivety showing now.

“Vergil is…” I considered telling Leon exactly what I thought of the handsome, awe-inspiring man when he got down to his work of killing demons, but decided that the young boy would probably rattle on quickly to his father. “Quite good at his job. But it’s not something you should meddle too much in. It’s a dangerous industry out there.”

Leon nodded understandingly, looking a little forlorn now. “I know. I wished to help Papa with his job when I grow up, but Papa told me to focus on using my God-given genes! He said I should do something to help the people, while he keeps them safe by killing the demons threatening them.”

I tried not to compare about how different Leon’s Papa was as compared to the Vergil I knew. Quite frankly, the Vergil I knew was perpetually unhappy with me, but still a hardworking fellow who never seemed to stop and was rarely on breaks. This Leon’s Papa Vergil was someone else entirely, a man motivated to save the world, a man motivated to keep the world safe for his son.

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