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“Patient Cartlier, can you tell me exactly what happened?” My psychiatrist asked in a leveled tone of voice, and I tried not to give her the glare. She was speaking to me like I was a crazy person –which I absolutely wasn’t.

But then again, all she knew about me was that I’d gone on National TV and declared that I had spent half a year in a parallel world, falling in love with a fictional character. Yeah… maybe I totally sounded crazy.

But it was real. I swear, nothing was my imagination. I really had gone into the Devil May Cry world. I really had fallen in love.

With Vergil.

You must think I’m entirely whacked up in the head now. People with a normal mind would probably fall in love with Dante or Nero. But no. I’m falling crazy in love with Vergil.

Yeah, maybe I totally belonged here.

“I don’t like your condescending tone, Miss. I am not crazy. I went down to the Devil May Cry World, and spent half a year there. That’s why I was missing for six months.” I glared back at my psychiatrist from my reclined couch. She didn’t betray her emotions, but I could guess that she was about to flinch. I don’t have a nice glare and I know it. Thinking back, how does Dante even withstand my glare?

“I am engaged to hear you out, Ms. Cartlier. Please understand that I am in no position to judge you. You are to tell me in detail your point of view of everything that has occurred the past six months.” My psychiatrist continued, pushing her spectacles up her nose as if to show a no-nonsense exterior.

I sighed, since I was still stuck here for two more hours before I would get up and out of here –back to my dreary home and life. I like my family, but after going through everything that I have gone through, I want to do something different with my life. I want to love.

“I’ve repeated my story a million times over, Miss. There’s really no point in getting me to recite everything again.” I complained with an explosive sigh. I had obviously left out many excruciating details about me with my boyfriend –my very-demonic boyfriend –and I wasn’t planning to put it in anytime soon for any random ear.

My psychiatrist looked up from her board and into my eyes with a hard look, as if trying to determine if I was being serious about this. I gave her a defiant look back.

“Fine.” She sighed. “If you will not talk to a stranger, you will talk to a family member.”

I didn’t get what she was saying, until she pressed the intercom and told her receptionist outside to bring ‘the guest’ in.

My little sister Marielle burst through the door with glee written on her face. She was the only one in the entire world who believed me the first time I told anyone my story. She had taken my words for real –the only person who was supportive of my love to the seemingly fictional character in a video game.

“Marielle!” I exclaimed in joy, equally happy to see her as she was with me. Ever since my declaration and return after ‘being practically dead’, I had been carted from one counsellor to another, from one psychiatric clinic to another to make sure that my mind wasn’t cracked up. My parents just didn’t understand that there was nothing wrong with me.

“Lila!” My sister cried my name in reply, and we both ran to each other like we were in a touching reunion scene in a TV show. It was kind of funny how I was twenty one, and Marielle was sixteen, and we both still acted like we were ten as we hugged each other and jumped up and down in happiness.

My happiness was unfortunately vacuumed away by the psychiatrist when she cleared her throat.

“Ms. Cartlier, since you will not tell me your story, tell your sister the full details of your story. I can see you are uncomfortable with strangers, and I will respect your privacy. Marielle will tell me everything you told her.” My psychiatrist announced, and I gave her the dirty look. I don’t know why –but since returning from the Devil May Cry World, I’ve gotten way better with the silent, commanding looks. I guess it was from rubbing elbows with Vergil and Lady.

She didn’t need more encouraging from me to get out from her office, and scrambled away quickly. The moment the door closed, Marielle broke out into hysterical laughter at my ability to make people scram so quickly.

“Oh, Lila! You’ve gotten way more badass since I last talked to you! Have you developed any secret abilities you’re not telling me?”  Marielle gushed, and I tried not to grin. See what I mean by Marielle accepting me? She just accepted everything.

“But you seriously are not going to tell her everything about my story, right?” I frowned slightly while we moved back to where I had been sitting before. I reclined back on the chair as Marielle took the seat the psychiatrist vacated at my side.

“Hell no. But I really want to know what happened to you. Can you tell me? I promise I won’t leak a word!” Marielle leaned forward, and there was no way I could say no to my little darling sister. I’d broken her heart once when I went missing for six months. I at least had to give her the benefit of an explanation to my disappearance.

I pinkie promised my sister, and soon I was leaning against my reclined couch, trying to think back. It had been six months since I last felt relatively normal. It was six months since I’d changed. I am different now. A different girl. A woman in love.

Also note that I am not a virgin anymore. Vergil solved that problem for me…

“So… how did it all start?” Marielle asked, and I let my eyes wander up to the ceiling, thinking back. How did it all start?

“That day was my birthday…”

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