Part 3

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Part 3

I sat up with a gasp, and realized immediately that I had no idea where the heck I was. It was just trees and forest, but if I squinted far enough, I was pretty sure I could see a peek in the thick trees, looking out to what seemed to be a road of some sort. There was a peek of a building too –and it looked strangely old-fashioned.

I looked over myself, to assess the damage that I was sure I had incurred… and found nothing. There was no sign at all to show that I had been tumbling down a slope, rolling in an invisible washing machine. I wasn’t sure if that was cause for concern or not, but I wasn’t ready to dwell about it at the moment –considering the fact that I had more pressing questions: mainly about my location.

If I expected someone, or at least some angel of some sort (perhaps because somewhere in my heart, I still believed that Azazel was going to come back and tell me explicitly everything that had happened to me), then I was sorely disappointed. Instead, what I got greeting me back to reality was something more horrendous.

Something more… demonic.

They literally crawled out of black holes that seemed to form from the ground, and the smell of rotten flesh was suddenly so heavy in the air that I struggled not to gag. Watching these things attack Dante on screen was entirely different than watching these things rise from the ground. It is doubly worse when you know that they are real. And in front of you.

A few moaned, as if long tortured by their journey back to the surface of the Earth, and I scrambled to my feet with a scream. I wasn’t afraid of screaming, because it was obvious that they somehow seem to know that I was the target –that they were about to get me. Most of them either had scythes on what-was-supposed-to-be-their-hands, or they had sharp-looking appendages that no-doubtedly could simple cut my head clean off my neck.

I screamed a second time for the heck of it, and didn’t bother to assess more of my body state. I picked up pace, and dashed around the side of the clearing I’d woken up into. I didn’t know where I was, but I was pretty sure I don’t want to experience the feeling of dying by demon attacks.

Even though I used to be an athletic person, even though I used to be the fastest runner on my track team in junior high, it didn’t explain my inhumane speed. I literally zoomed across at least ten meters in less than five seconds, almost hitting into a tree because I almost couldn’t pull the breaks in time. But I wasn’t going to complain. I have super-speed and a horde of at least ten demons after me. Something was working in my favor, and I wasn’t going to say no.

I adjusted myself, and ran like hell out of the forest clearing, towards the road. I prayed that this place was populated, and while I dreaded bringing the demons to somewhere where they could kill more innocent people, I was banking on pure luck that someone around here had a gun. No one needed to be a demon hunter to shoot holes into demons, after all.

I burst through the forest with a breath of fresh air, the sunlight basking in my face. How can my life be screwed up in such good weather? It must be some heavenly sin –or perhaps just an angelic joke –that someone was out to screw my life out on such a good day.

My luck was just about stretched to its limits, for there was no one on the road that I’d emerged on. I could hear faint sounds of engines running in the background though, so I wagered that this place was still populated –except for the fact that they were probably ALL THE WAY AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TOWN OR SOMETHING.

I decided not to waste my energy on screaming uselessly, and instead put focus on putting one god-damned foot in front of the other, making towards the end of the road where I could turn into some place that actually had people around.

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