Part 2

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Part 2

There was this one time when I was four where my mother forgot me in the town Shopping Centre, and I ended up tottering around the toy store, looking for my mum. I don’t know how, but I ended up in the tiny arts and craft room they had to entertain the kids. The walls were white and there were clouds drawn on them. There were pictures of angels too, floating on the wall, and a bright sun.

When I was four, I thought that place was heaven, and I thought I’d died somehow. I was totally convinced that there was going to be an angel approaching me as I ran around the room. Then when my mother walked in, I cried, since it was obvious that she wasn’t an angel.

This time, when I opened my eyes, I was literally in heaven. This time I was 21, and I pretty sure knew that I wasn’t hallucinating –nor was I stuck in a random arts and craft room. Everywhere in my body had a tingling feeling, as if I should feel pain, but was getting the feeling only slightly muffled through thick cotton. It was silent all around –but strangely not the deafening kind of silence that would put immense pressure on your ears. If I strained hard enough I was pretty sure I could distant choirs singing.

I wandered around for quite some time. I suspect that I wandered for at least fifteen minutes, but without a watch or something to keep time, I couldn’t say for sure. Though I can say that I was thoroughly bored out of my wits when I was done.

I rounded back to square one in the midst of the endless white plain, just plopping down to sit on the cloud-floor with a loud sigh. I pretty much remember rolling down the slope, and I remember that my head had smashed pretty badly into the rock. And the fact that I’d been teleported to a white plain afterwards told me that I was dead. There was just no doubt about it. The only thing was: I had expected to meet Grandma and Grandpa or something.

Hey, I have family issues, okay? I cried my eyeballs out when my grandparents passed away within span of days with each other. They were my perfect love story. Grandpa passed away because of throat cancer, and Grandma passed away two days after that by cardiac arrest. We made sure to bury them side by side, because there was simply no way of separating them. Marielle even suggested letting them share the same coffin and make it larger, but we decided it was too disrespectful to them. My grandparents weren’t perfect, but they were still a better love story than Twilight.

“Leah Katherine Cartlier, you have been chosen.” Someone’s voice behind me shocked me in the plain of white, and I literally jumped up to my feet. I hadn’t heard him come. But then, I don’t expect to hear angel’s footsteps either.

He was pretty scary, now that I think back on him. He had big, full-body length wings hanging from his back. And the black feathers were pretty much the only taint in the whiteness that surrounded him. Well, that black and his tanned skin. He was wearing a full-length fluffy coat that looked pretty comfortable, and I wondered for a moment if I had woken him up from sleep or something. Though he had really dreamy brown eyes. I know I shouldn’t be falling head over heels for an angel, but give me a break. I was 21, still a virgin, and had my bad experience with men. Not that I’d met anyone as eye-catching as this one.

“I’ve been chosen?” I repeated stupidly. It would probably help me if he told me what I’d been chosen for. Chosen to die? I pretty much could guess that, considering I was wandering around here in heaven.

“Yes. You have been chosen by the Hand of God to take my path. A soul that longs to love has not loved. A soul that longs to live has not lived. I am who must make it right, but you are my tool.” He spoke in an ‘I am mighty, hear me roar’ tone, and I struggled not to laugh. Call me a liberal girl, but I expected angels to be more modern, you know? Since everyone else globalized along with us in the United States, then wouldn’t angels pick up modern life too?

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