Part 4

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Part 4

Someday, I really am going to check my brain to make sure that it’s okay. Because instead of wondering if I was fine or not, instead of wondering when and how I was ever going to make it back home, the first thought I wondered about upon waking up was if Nero ever married Kyrie in the end of Devil May Cry 4.

It was quite a stupid thought to be thinking of, but nevertheless I spent a few precious minutes, still bobbing in darkness, thinking about it. Whatever conclusion I had was washed away when I heard the click of what sounded like a door opening, and I opened my eyes to it too.

Hard blue eyes stared back at me, and he stood in the doorway, a placid expression on his face. It was understandable that anyone who saw that face would naturally assume that he’s not happy. He usually isn’t the liveliest of men anyway.

“You are finally awake.” The way he said 'finally' was probably not a good sign, but I feigned dumbness as I stared back at him with fearful wide eyes. My mind struggled to remind me of that fact that I’d already seen his face and heard Daniel’s voice through him –that he was here in front of me.

“I do not understand what you wish running into me, but you are not welcomed here. You shall leave when you are well.” He announced, and seemingly with that, he closed the door behind me.

If I ever thought he would be more… ‘dramatic’, then I was sorely wrong. I never thought my life to be a drama or even a movie, but this moment had to be the most anti-climactic moment I’ve had all through my 21 years in life. I’d expected big-bad-ass-half-devil to say something about killing me or maybe just asking me if I was fine (like a normal person), but it was obvious that Vergil wasn’t going to manage anything more than telling me that I wasn’t welcomed.

But I am a 21 year old woman. I know when I’m not wanted. I sat up and stretched myself, appreciative of the fact that I was more or less fine. It was apparent that no one had sexually assault me, as I had heard in my half-coma, and I was grateful for that. For now, I guess I would have to deal with the crazy fact that I was staring at someone who resembled extremely closely to the twin brother of my favorite video game character.

Vergil-look-alike was downstairs, reading a book seriously on the couch when I went downstairs, marveling at how obsessed this DMC fan probably was. He had every detail of the inside of the Devil May Cry office pinned down perfectly; even the dirty corner where Dante had his couches. Vergil-look-alike being there didn’t exactly fit the picture, but I wasn’t going to judge.

I breathed a sigh to know that he wasn’t crazy enough to have a Dante look-alike brother or friend around.

“Um… Do you know where this is?” I asked, tapping softly on the desk he was sitting behind –which looked like the exact replica of Dante’s. There was even Eva’s photo on it, and she looked perfect as always. In fact, there was a strange photo of Dante and Trish hanging out together that I’d never seen before. This guy was good at Photoshop.

 Vergil-look-alike looked up from the book, his piercing blue eyes shooting through me like he couldn’t wish for anything better than to have me die just this moment. I wondered what the heck his problem was. Was it such a sin to ask a question? Why even bother bringing me to his place, his DMC-haven then?

“You are in Devil May Cry, but you are not staying any longer.” He stated simply, then looked back down to his book.

“I know you made this Devil May Cry haven, but I’m asking you exactly where in the world are we? Am I still in Chrisvale?” I asked, getting a little impatient. There was a limit anyone could take at getting glared at, and reminded that she wasn’t welcomed.

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