Part 12

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Part 12

“Hey, get your lazy ass out of this god-forsaken place!” I whacked the head of white hair a good one on the head, standing beside him with a hand on my waist to show that I wasn’t playing around.

I was having another rare day off, and this time was even more precious because Trish had nothing lined up for the day. Lady had specially dropped over our place to give us an all-important mission –to drag Dante’s ass away from the office on a job. Trish and I agreed that we needed to spend today, a very important day, to gossip about everything that we’d missed between us, and there was no place better than to do it at Dante’s office, where we could leech off his never-ending stock of beer and order pizzas, placed on his bill.

That explained why both Trish and I were here, waiting for the lazy bum to get his ass moving so we could start our gossip session.

“No. I’m sleeping in today and that’s final.” Dante shifted, turning his back on me, cuddling against the hard high-back chair as if he was going to just fall asleep in that uncomfortable position.

“Hell no. Final is when you have your ass out there. Go.” I protested, trying to push him off the chair, but Dante wasn’t a half-demon for a reason as he resisted my strength like it was nothing. I tried hitting him, but he just swiped it off and continued to ignore me. I would have doubted anyone could fall asleep with the disturbance I was raining down on him, but this was Dante we were talking about. He could sleep spontaneously quite literally anywhere, in any uncomfortable position.

“Maybe you need a little encouragement from my guns, Dante?” Trish asked from where she sat at the couch, watching me puke metaphorical blood amusedly.

Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother talking to Dante. Coming here to Limbo had really made me see the futility of Dante’s life How was it possible that this man was the exact same man that I fell in love with while I watched him through my television screen?

How could I rely on this man to get me back home? The futility of getting him to do anything was casting serious doubts on my determination to get home, but I wasn’t about to let it affect me too much at the moment. I needed to stay positive here.

“Maybe you need encouragement from Rebellion to get your and Leah’s ass out of here, Trish.” Dante growled, still refusing to open his eyes as he grumbled.

“Trish, just lend me the god-damned guns!” I gave up trying to push him from the seat, giving him a final kick at his side to feel a little satisfied. The man in topic merely just rubbed the sore spot for a short while, then returned to his uncomfortable position as I stalked away.

I was making back for Trish, but I found something even better on the way to her. Ebony and Ivory sat on their stands beside where Rebellion was resting on the mount on the wall. I ran there and grabbed Ebony, feeling a comfortable weight sitting in the palm of my hand. Trish laughed softly at the evil look in my eye and I positioned myself standing right in front of where Dante faced.

“Oh, Dante sweet darling.” I called in a sickly honeyed voice, as if I were a hooker calling him to bed. “Look at what baby I’ve got here.”

He stirred a little, and I could see he was trying to fight against his urge to open his eyes and interrupt his sleep. He lost his fight with his instincts, because his eyes opened quickly afterwards, widening quickly when he saw the barrel of his own gun staring back at him.

“You little bitch!” Dante exclaimed, reaching forward for his gun to wrench it from my grasp, but I had stepped a safe distance away from him so that he would just narrowly miss me no matter how hard he tried to reach -unless he wanted to fall out of the chair, that is.

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