Chapter 1

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Not again

Not again


Its happening


Im back

Are they even coming

Probably not

I miss pidge

I miss everyone

Just pidge the most

I wonder what they are doing

¤Pidges POV¤

You failed us katie.

You got me captured.

You got me killed

And just at that moment he was stabbed. By zarkon. Then so was matt. By my father. They are all dead. "You killed us all katie its your fault.

"Im sorry, im sorry, i didnt mean to, please forgive me, please love me"

Dont you see katie no one will ever love you
¤Third Person POV¤

Pidge woke up a screaming crying mess. The first time in days since she fell asleep hoping the nightmares would go away but she decived herself. She blamed herself. The Galra were dragging her away and she yelled for help. She got him caught. If she would have kept her mouth shut he wouldnt be back there. But he was. Thanks to her. After her nightmare she knew she wouldnt sleep again. She got up and went to the control room. Searching for him. She knew it was her fault so she had to fix it keith told her two weeks ago he hasnt spoken to her since. Because even he blamed her.


"Pidge wheres shiro?"

Now pidge here was a crying mess. This was after shiro got captured after hunk had dragged her away from also getting caught.

"T-they took him" she then started crying harder, but as we all know keith isnt the most emotional person, he in fact covers it up with anger and... in this case violence.

Keith angrily stomped up to her. "What did you do pidge" he demanded
"H-he was trying to save me then t-they took h-him" pidge at this moment in time was trying to block out the scene from replaying in her head but Keith was no help.

"You let them take him are you serious? They should have taken you! We all know how useless you are compared to Shiro, but he is too nice to tell you that to your face so i have to" at that moment Keith was just up in her face Pidge pinned against a wall trying not to scream in fustration. But what Keith did next if shiro was there.... well lets say he would be in a lot of pain.

He kicked in the shin resulting her to fall to the ground.

Then he kicked her in the face...


And Again

And Again

Until Lance and Hunk ripped him off and dragged him to his room.

Pidge was now even worse. Curled up in fetal position screaming at herself how it was her fault, and all she could do was try and find him. Try until she succeeded which is now how she is now.

End of flashback~

Typing until her fingers were cramping, but she still typed. She needed to find him. Be useful for once. Then maybe they would care, maybe they woukd forgive her. Finally she got a result. He was on Kerberos. Pidge felt even worse when she found out because you know what they do on Kerberos.

When she found the place it was sun rise. Allura came in on her new morning routine trying to get Pidge to sleep. "Pidge how long have you been up? Did you sleep?" She asked

"Allura forget sleep i found him! I found the prison hes at, we have to go get him today please he shouldnt be stuck there any longer"

Allura stood there shell shocked. All the thoughts that were running through her mind. 'Hiw are we going to get him' 'is pidges family there too' 'did keith apologize yet' 'i finally get my love back...'

Allura then ran and hit the button for the alarm signaling all the paladins to her in uniform. "Pidge go get dressed then come back here as fast as you can"

Allura looked at the computer it was surveilence footage of galra cameras, showing shiro being forced into the prison.

"Allura we're here whats the sitch" Keith ran in saying

"Its pidge, she found him!"

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