Chapter 9

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¤Pidge's POV¤

"Guys where are Lance and Keith?" Shiro asked coming into breakfast sitting next to me and across from Hunk.

"I don't know maybe Keith is showering and Lance just overslept again." I answered going back to tinkering with a little camera I'm making.

"Hey Pidge what's that?" Hunk asked me pausing on eating his goo.

"Oh I've been working on a camera that can broadcast from far away for like spying on the Galra or something." I answered looking up at him and pushing up my glasses.

"Pidge go work on the cryo-pods with Coran" Allura walked in telling me with the least politeness she could manage.

"Okay Princess" I said getting up leaving my camera for Hunk and Shiro to play with.

"Um Allura she hasn't eaten yet." Shiro said looking at Allura like she was crazy.

"So" she quickly mumbled.

"Im good im not hungry" I replied walking out going to the pods meeting Coran for our morning work.

¤Lance's POV¤

I woke up and looked over at the clock it showed 8:38. Crap were late.

"Babe were late very late get up" I told Keith shaking him.

"Mmmhhhmm" he said pulling me closer and snuggling his head into my neck.

"Keithy cmon it's time to say sorry to Pidge" I told him trying to get up.

"Later" he said as he started to peck my neck with small kisses.

"Keeeeiiittttthhh later cmon get up or people would get suspicious" I told him

"Fine let's go but I'm looking forward to later" he got up and winked.

The fact that no one remembered my birthday but do I really matter so much that people would, no.

I'm just gonna stick to my making others happy tactic until the day I die.

We walked down the stairs and went into the dining room.

"Suprise! Happy half birthday Keith!" Everyone yelled including me and engulfing him in a hug.

"Guys it's only a half focus on real birthdays please speaking of which isn't it Hunk next?" Keith said taking a seat by Pidge with me following.

"Okay guys enough about birthdays I made French toast!!!" Hunk said pushing floating plates to everyone.

"How is everyone, we all need to know each other well for Voltron to work" I said making my focus on everyone else like always.

"Well I didn't have any nightmares last night" Shiro said glancing at Pidge with a small smile. "But- I know for a fact Pidge stayed up late working last night and you gotta stop that it's not healthy" Shiro said in his dad voice eyes full of concern.

"I agree I did a little stress baking hence the cupcakes and cookies but went to bed at 10:00 earth time." Hunk said smiling brightly making everyone else do the same.

"I went to bed early too" Keith said smirking at me.

"I-" I got cut off by Pidge saying something.

"I got cloaking for the black lion too that's why I was up late!" Pidge said smiling.

"That's great Pidge!" I told her.

Everyone was congratulating her and saying good job until the alarm went off.

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