chapter 19

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¤Pidge's POV¤

We were peacefully eating- Well me working when Allura came in and kicked me out to work with Coran.

I just did as I was told and sighed.

When me and Coran finished fixing some healing pods he told me that we had training and Allura was planning on controlling the bot.

I got into my armour after a while and walked into the training room.

"Your late" Allura said in an angry voice when I walked in.

I just sighed and listened to directions as always thankful that Shiro was first because he was the most skilled and I can watch out for what to do.

"Alright paladins it's a one-to-one against Allura as the bot once you- or her- are defeated the match will end, Shiro your up first!" Coran said

Shiro starting fighting the bot. He was getting pretty good with his arm he only got slashed barely once. Everyone where to go for when it was their time up.

"I'm tired Pidge will just fight a bot" Allura said turning on a regular training bot and leaned back to watch with everyone else.

I started fighting the training bot but it was faster and fiercer than any other time.

I was getting beat up really bad but I was still trying my hardest.

It took a blow to my tummy stabbing deeply making me spit up blood.

"Allura turn it off!" I heard Hunk say his voice filled with fright.

"Oh she's fine" Allura said sarcasm and carelessness heavy in her attitude.

I kept trying my best until it stabbed me in the shoulder and this time I was sure it went all the way through.

I heard a lot of yelling and Allura's name before I calapsed everything going black.

(That song is my shit and im posting a new story soon it's when of my many projects and I need an plot line it's not voltron if you were thinkin)

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