chapter 8

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¤Pidge's POV¤

"What the hell was that about?" Lance asked me everyone turned staring at me.

"I dont understand what i did. Coran do you know what i did?" I asked him with a confused look on my face.

"No Allura gets very worked up when shes jealous though it happend back on Altea a few times when she was just a teenager" Coran replied sighing and getting up and going to his room.

"Ill go try and work things out with her will someone come with me?" I said scared Allura isnt really the nicest person on the inside and i didnt just figure that out. I see what she means though i am fat i eat too much, i am so ugly compared to her, and i am annoying always having other people do stuff for me.

"Ill come Pidgey poo" Lance said getting up grabbing my hand.

"Thanks Lance" i said.

We walked to Alluras room hand-in-and not in a relationship kind of way but a brother-sister way.

"Allura?" Lance knocked on her door.

"Oh thank god its you lance i cant deal with that fa- oh you too pidge Lance can stay but take you hideousness somewhere else" Allura said sweetly at the beginning but her voice turning to venom when she saw me.

"Allura what did i do to make you mad ill do anything for you to forgive me" i pleaded with her i hate seeing someone with so much hatred towards anyone.

"You were yourself pidge and what you can do is kill yourself, Lanc-" She was cut off by a slap from not Lance not me but Coran he slapped her for telling the truth.

"Coran! Dont hit her she was just expressing her opinion" i told him astonished at how the triangles under his eyes changed red orange with anger. We learned long ago their triangles change with emotion, but not if they are good at hiding it.

"Sorry Pidge but the princess deserved it this has been the worst shes ever been, she not good dealing with jealousy." He said cooling down to and orange.

"Jealous? Jealous of that hideous pile of fat never" Allura said with disgust glaring at me then looking to Coran with pleading eyes.

"Lancey! Cory! Cant you see what shes doing shes turning you against me!" She said desperately.

"Dont call me that till you fix yourself. Lets go Pidge" Lance said pulling me away from them.

"Pidge are you okay?" Lance asked me once we got back to the lounge with everyone.

"Y-yeah just tired im gonna go to b-bed yeah bed goodnight guys" i said wavin everyone off and going to my room. Of course i wasnt going to bed still to early for a 15 year old, i was gonna go work on green.

¤Lance's POV¤

After Pidge walked away i was just suprised Allura could be that bad.

"Lance you okay?" I looked up and saw Keith, Shiro and Hunk looking at me confused.

"Uh n-no Allura was terrible to Pidge she was so so harsh for no reason t-to the point Coran slapped her he was red orange." I replied looking for help.

"Im gonna go to bed guys n-night guys" I said standing up towards hall of rooms.

"Ill come too goodnight" Keith said standing up and following me out.

Once we turned the corner where no one could see us he grabbed my hand linking our fingers.

"Keith" i breathed out.

"I miss you babe" he told me opening the door to his room pulling me in.

"Im still mad at you" i said sitting on his bed.

"Babe i said im sorry like 1000 times let me make it up what can i do anything" keith told me pleading.

"Keith your saying sorry to the wrong person go tell Pidge i know your not good at showing your emotions or controling them but you need to apologize" i told him pulling him into a hug to make him feel better.

"I know babe i knoe i just dont know how or if she'll be happier or its just just my anxiety" He mumbled sighing into my chest.

"We'll do it tomorrow at breakfast you'll stand up and tell her okay? I'll hold your hand under the table the whole time" i told him running my fingers through his hair earning a content sigh and nod from him.

"Kiss me please" he asked me still mumbling.

I sighed and lifted his head up pecking him then laying down with him and drifting off to sleep.

(Hey hey heyyyy. Ik it was VERY LATE but i am going to try and update everyday for the next couple of days. They unlike this one will be over 1,500 words so yes yes. If you little heads up on chapters or little sneak peaks follow me on twitter @TipsiestTurtle. Thanks for understanding and look forward to the next chapter i gotta go watch Yuri!!! On Ice.)

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