chapter 4

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(A/N ive been trying to get the songs to match. I try and update everyday not take weeks or months but im busy sometimes like i babysit and i cant sit there writing with 5 year olds running about so yeah anyway i dont really do anything ever but i try and update a lot and put in the word counts but these take FOREVER to write anyway im rambling time for some shidge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) your welcome for the song)

¤Third Person POV¤

Shiro was frazzled. Blushing madly he was a true tomato. At this moment he was laying on Pidge's bedroom floor. Hugging her, after he told her he loved her. His best friends sister.

Pidge looked up at Shiro. He put his hand behind her neck to pull her closer. They both leaned in and... Shiro kissed her eye

"Oops sorry not your lips" shiro said as pidge giggled, making Shiros heart flutter

Then Pidge kissed him, and they both felt fireworks explode.

Until they heard knocking and the door open "Hey guys- what are you doing..." Matt said as he walked in

They jumped apart fast.

"Oh hey Matt we're just looking at the present i made Shiro for his birthday!" Pidge said smiling happily

¤Matt's POV¤

Katie and Shiro were kissing. Do they really think im that stupid?
Ill just leave them in the dark that i actually know how to see and didnt miss that...

"Okay well Hunk just wanted to know what flavor cake you wanted" i said smiling. I know shiro and his favorite is lemon but i know hes just gonna say whatever is easiest.

"Whatever Hunk can make is good" Shiro

"Okay bye guys" i said walking out of the room sighing.

"Hunk he said anything is good but you know his favorite is lemon right?" I said walking into the kitchen facing Hunk, lance and keith.

"Okay team lets get started" Hunk said throwing an apron at everyone and tying his own

After we were done with the cake and dinner Coran went over the speakers and called everyone down for Shiros surprise. We landed on earth for his birthday.

When Shiro came down Lance went up to him and whispered something making Shiro gasp and run to the castle doors.

Before he could make it out Allura came into the room. "Hey guys Samuel is awake" she said uncovering my dad.

Me, shiro and katie all gasped and leapt into a hug around him.

"Woah guys calm down and Shiro happy birthday" he said smiling as we broke apart but pulled in Shiro again.
"Now i know today isnt your actual birthday your still 20 for three more days, but as Allura told me we are celebrating today as we have to be back to Arus to meet the arusians."

"Thank you Samuel i missed you so much and im happy your back to great health" Shiro said smile widening

"Now team" Shiro said in what Lance likes to call it his 'space dad' voice "Lets hit earth!!" He finished as everyone ran out except for Dad, Shiro, Katie and me as we were staying together to go visit mom.

¤Pidges POV¤

We all walked out of the castle not expecting anyone to be waiting for us except for mom because Allura called ahead and said who was with them.

"Momma Holt!" Me, Shiro, and Matt said in synch because when Matt first met shiro she told him to call her that and it just stuck.

We all ran into hug her telling her it was all okay because she was crying with happiness.

We were all pulled apart and were talking until my mom whispered for me to turn around and i was met with the one person i thought last to see. Aaron. My..boyfriend.

"Oh my god Katie i missed you so much!" He said wrapping his arms around me. I was paniced it was Shiro's freaking birthday and i was hugging the one person i knew he didnt like.

Shiro hadnt liked him since i had started dating him. He thought he was rude and self-centered and a player, and ive kinda lost all feelings towards him. All i wanted to do was push away from him and hug Shiro but my family cant know.

Then he kissed me. I hated it. I liked it when i kissed Shiro way better.

"Alright Katie its time for us to go home stop macking on your boyfriend" Matt said, yes sometimes having a brother does be useful.

As we walked back to the car me, Shiro and Matt i guess started to talk.

"Katie what the hell was that?" Matt asked standing between me and Shiro

"I dont know i dont even like him now that think about it never did" i said as i shrugged and sighed.

"Then why dont you just dump his annoying ass" Shiro said tint of anger and jealousy? In his voice

"Because i dont want mom or dad asking questions" i paused walking over to him "im so so so sorry that happend you know i would play you like that"
I said voice full of desperation i wanted. No needed forgiveness.

"What are you gonna do about it Pidge" Shiro said with a slight edge. It hurt it hurt that he didnt even use my real name.

"Yeah you dont really have many options and its really cruel just going back into space and leaving it, and we have to be back at the castle for shiros party in like thirty minutes" Matt said

"Hmm... before Shiros party ill tell him to meet me where we were and do it there, does that sound good?" I said mainly asking Shiro than the both of them getting into the car

"Yeah it does good idea Katie" Shiro said smiling with a soft voice getting into the very back with Matt and me, and off we were to the house to go change and take it all in we were back, but not for long.

(A/N got this updated on markipliers birthday haha 28. Now on to make the next chapter. P.S hoped you liked the song)

1042 (including author notes)

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