chapter 6

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(A/N i might do a q&a soon after this chapter since people are actuay reading and i want my readers to know me p.s that picture is lovely~)

¤Shiro's POV¤

"Ummm alright keith truth or dare?" I said i had the perfect dare in mind.

"Hmm dare!" He replied excitedly.

"I dare you to kiss Lance" i said smugly. Now i usually wouldnt do this as everyone calls me space dad but i like seeing Pidge and Matt happy.

"Yes Shiro i love you!" Matt said cheering.

"Love you too Matty" i said smiling at the old nickname.

"Do it!" Pidge and Matt said smiling at the same time.

"Standing up!" Matt added

"Fine" Keith grumbled as he took Lances hand standing up.

They both leaned in and Lance mumbled "are you on your tippy toes?" And keith just replied "maybe shut up" then they kissed and i smiled at the squeels coming from both Matt and Pidge.

"Okay guys shows over" Keith said pulling away and sitting down.

"We'll finish that later" Lance mumbled smirking an Keith blushed as red as his jacket.

"Haha that means its my turn" Keith laughed "hmmm..... Matt truth or dare" he asked smirking.

"Dare!" Matt said smirking.

"I dare you to do a handstand for 10 secods if you dont last for 10 seconds you have to run through the walgreens naked if you last longer i do"

Keith is an idiot we used to have handstand contests before kerberos his record was 10 minutes he passed time by trying to beat that in galra prison he passed it by 30 minutes.

Matt stood up "and if i win Lance has to kiss me for 3 minutes" Matt said making Lance smirk and eye him up and down and Keith glare at him.

"Yes!" Lance exclaimed while Keith just continued glaring, while me and Pidge just smiled and shook our heads at Keiths impending failure.

"Ready, set, go" Lance said excitedly.

Matt stood up and started.

5 minutes passed and Lance and Keith were still gaping at him.

"Okay pretty sure i win" Matt said coming down.

"Lets go Matt" Lance said standing up. Matt grabbed his hand and ran into our room.

"Have fun with your run" Pidge said smirking at him.

¤Lance's POV¤

All i could say about Matt when i first met him was that he was HAWT.

Matt pulled me into his and Shiro's room. He closed the door and when he turned around i slammed him into the wall putting my lips on his.

I brushed my tounge against his bottom lip to let me in. He opened his mouth and our tounges started fighting for dominance.

I ran my finger through his hair my other hand on his waist. He put his hands around my neck tugging on my hair earning a moan from me, making him smirk.

"Guys its been 3 minutes" I could hear Keith say from outside the door.

"Keith shut up were busy" I said then going back to Matt lifting him up so he had his legs around my waist.

I carried him over to his bed and tugged off my shirt then went back to him.

I was on top of him still kissing him roughly and running my hands under his shirt. Until he ripped his shirt off from over his head.

I started kissing down his jawline to his neck sucking and biting until i heard him moan.

"Guys its time to go wat- oh woah sorry" Pidge said with wide eyes closing the door.

"God everyone just interupts us" I said looking down at Matt.

"Yeah but we'll finish this later" Matt said winking and pecking me in the lips.

I got off of Matt and put my shirt on and slapped his ass when he out the door.

We walked down stairs behind pidge, shiro and a pouting keith.

"Oh honey how hard did Pidge put you in a choke hold?" Their mom said coming up to Matt and brushing his neck with her fingers.

"Yeah reaaalllyyy hard mom he made me really mad" pidge said covering for her giggling brother.

"Katie thats not nice dont do it again" Ms.Holt replied giving Pidge a stern look.

"Okay mom but im sure lance wouldnt help that" she replied make shiro choke on laughter.

"Okay? Bye kids be back by 10" Ms.Holt replied waving us off.

"Oh my god Lance be careful with the hickey placements next time" Matt said looking at me holding back laughter.

"No promises" i said giving Matt pecks on the neck.

We got to the store and decided Keith only needed to be in his underwear so he wouldnt get arrested but had to yell wiggly jiggly thoughout the store.

When Keith finished making a fool out of himself we got back to the house only Pidge, Shiro, Matt and I because Keith said he wanted to go check on his cat that his neighbors were watching.

Shiro and Pidge went to her room to watch their movies while me and Matt went to go finish our fun.

(A/N ask questions for a q&a comment or tweet me @TipsiestTurtle weird place to cut off i know)

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