chapter 2

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(A/N its mostly going to be in third person point of view because i like that style of writing better but in someones pov at least once a chapter)

¤Shiros POV¤

Ive been locked up for two weeks from what i can tell. The only upside to being here is them. I found Matt and Sam. Katie would be so happy. I hope they will come to get me soon. I heard the guards that took me instead of pidge being yelled at. They were trying to get her and no one else. I really hope everyone is okay.
"Shiro the guards are freaking out" Matt told me while peaking through the small window on the door.

"Why whats happening?" Im confused why would they be frazzled unless

"Come see for yourself!" Matt said walking back over to sit next to his Dad.

I peaked through the window and there they were. From what i saw Keith and Hunk were getting rid of guards, and Lance was freeing prisoners while hunk was probably guarding the exit for everybody. Were Pidge and Keith bickering? Just then Lance came up to our door and i back away.

As lance was opening the door he saw me. "Shiro!" He said and engulfed me in a hug.

"Good to see you to buddy but we gotta get them out of here. Samuel is very hurt." I said trying to get them out as quickly as possible

"Okay, okay hey guys are the guards gone i need some help" he shouted back while helping Samuel up

"Yeah we're coming" pidge said running into the cell her eyes landing on Matt

"Matt? Matt!?! Your here oh my gosh you guys are okay!" She said while tackling him into a hug.

"Katie im fine" then he looked at her "what happend to your face?"

"Oh um" she froze. Why did she freeze what happend "i uh.. tripped yeah i tripped and fell uhh yeah tripped and fell into a door im clumsy, but dont worry about me lets get you guys out of here" he didnt belive here shes anything but clumsy no one in the room belived her but why she lie

"Guys we havent got much longer lets go" keith said coming into the cell. This was the last cell so everyone else was out.

We exited the prison going to hunk who piled us all in his lion. Then we flew off to the castle.

When we got there Allura and Coran greeted us. Then took Samuel, Matt and I to healing pods.

¤Pidges POV¤

Dang. That was close. I totally forgot about the bruises and cuts on my face. That was literally the worst lie ever. Tripped and fell into a door? I would be suprised if a monkey belived it. But i knew neither Matt or my Dad belived it, and i doubt shiro did either. But i cant tell anyone or Keith would hate me even more.

"Why did you lie?" Lance said coming into my room.

"Lie about what? What are you talking about?" I said nervously. He cant tell Shiro or he would be mad so i have to convince him not to.

"Pidge dont play dumb with me why did you lie about Keith hitting you?"

"Because i didnt want him to be even more mad at me or my brother to know because he would be very very mad." I replied remembering the last time someone hit me in Middle school. A boy got mad because i said his math problem was wrong so he slapped me. Word gets around fast in small schools when Matt and Shiro heard the kid came to school with a black eye.

"They are gonna find out sooner or later i just think it would be less of an impact if it was sooner."

"Who the frick is keith and why did he hit you katie?" Shit. Matt. He heard. My eyes widened at the sight of my infuriated brother.

"Uhh keith is no one it happened in a dream but really i was sleep walking and then thats when i fell into a door." I said trying to cover up.

"You know katie you never really was a good liar and you still arent we're not done with this and im asking shiro whi keith is." Matt said even madder that i was covering it up. Shiro cant find out. He would be infuriated with keith i have to convince him.

"No matt no im telling the truth there is no keith here, so you would just confuse Shiro" his eyes soften

"Katie" matt said sitting where lance was because he left when matt came in. "Please tell me the truth, please i need to know i wont get mad"

"Okay, Keith got very mad at me the day shiro went missing. He uh said some stuff that is probably true, and just kicked me a few times it really doesnt matter" i said calmly

"Im gonna beat the life out of keith" Shit. Shiro. I really need to close my door.

853 words

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