chapter 13

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¤Shiro's POV¤

I woke up to warmth and something clinging to me tightly. I looked down and saw lopsided glasses and messy brown hair Pidge.

"Shiro go back to sleep" Pidge said looking up, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.

"Nope! It's 9:00 you have to be back in bed and 'asleep' so we can wake you up" I said lifting her up and placing her on my lap facing me.

"Whyyy" she wined flopping foward into my chest.

"Because we all have to be awake in our seperate rooms" I said turning my feet off my bed.

"Why do I ever have to wake up" she said out loud with a sad voice looking up immediately with wide eyes after she heard what she said.

"W-what?" I said to her looking tired.

"Sorry I'm gonna go back to my room" she said pulling her glasses on straight and walking out of my room.

I sighed deeply and got lost in my thoughts.

¤Pidge's POV¤

I walked- no ran back to my room after I realized what I let slip in front of Shiro.

Can I really not hate myself without something slipping?

I walked back in and flopped onto my bed knowing what would come in 25 simple minutes.


"Pidgeon it's time to wake upp" Lance sang. I looked up and saw everyone standing there except for Shiro...

"No thanks" I said putting my face back into my pillow.

"Hunk you have the goo?" I heard Keith say.

Suddenly I smelt the heavenly fragrance of peanut butter cookies and my head shot up.

"Where" I said floating out of bed letting my eyes adjust.

"Hey Pidgey" Shiro said coming in. "Oh am i late guys it only 9:15" he said sighing.

"Pidgey we have peanut butter cookie flavored goo that Hunk thinks he perfected but you needed to be the final Judge!" Lance said happily his eyes brightening.

"Oooo!" I said as Hunk hand be a bowl with a spoon in it.

I took a small bite with everyone staring at me anxiously.

"Guys im still not used to eating right now but it's good Hunk!" I said handing the bowl back.

Everyone just sighed and looked at me sadly. I can't even except a present right God I'm such a screw up.

"Guys can i talk to Pidge please?" Keith said turning around looking at Lance who was smiling brightly at him.

"Okie byeee" Lance said turning away and waving back.

"Pidge im sosososososo very sorry I didn't mean anything I said and I I feel terrible and guilty and disgusted at my actions im so sorry please forgive me" he said with a sincere look on his face while he was fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"It's okay Keith I forgave you a long time ago" I said smiling brightly making him do the same. He raised his hands for I guess what was a hug but I thought he was gonna hit me so flinched and out my face down.

"Pidge...I'm not gonna hit you..." he said walking up to me and wrapping me in a hug.

"Im sorry Keith" I said hugging him back in shame.

"Your good Pidge now why aren't you eating?" He looked at me expression filled with sadness and confusion.

"I- im not hungry like I said" I told him trying to hide my nervousness.

"Pidge, hey I know sometimes you think you need to be skinnier sometimes you eat too much but don't, it's nothing bad you need to  lose absolutely no weight okay so you will go to Hunk and you will eat the goo he spent days working on and you will like it okay?" He told me waving his findings for dramatic affect.

"Okie thanks KEITHY" I yelled at the end running away as he ran after me.

(A/N suuuuper short ik but I'm gonna do a couple short ones I made an Instagram especially for this and im going to post and essay I wrote for school that everyone loved so you guys can read it <3 insta: personal ianna_is_your_mom public for wattpad tipsyturtles follow both or one or none I'll be posting what I'll try daily on the public one I don't post much on mine comment your users so ik your not an stalker on my private one!)

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