chapter 12

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¤Keith's POV¤

Pidge  passed out and got eletrocuted. That was terrifying I thought I would never get the chance to say how sorry and wrong I was. Right when she gets out I will beg her for forgiveness because I cannot explain how sorry I feel.

I walked into the control room and see Allura editing the components of the maze.

"Allura why are you changing the voltage of the maze?" I said suspiciously.

"Oh um Keith! I'm just making sure everything works correctly!" She said hesitantly carefully saying her words.

"O-kayy" I said nodding hesitantly and walking away bumping into Lancelot.

"Hey Keithy" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey lancelot" I said pecking him then hugging him tightly him hugging back.

"How are you I never see you anymore" I said nuzzling my face into his neck.

"Nothing really just freaked out by Pidge and I just got out of the pod Keithy" he said slightly giggling.

"Hey I just knitted some new stuffies wanna come find Hunk with me and play till Pidge gets out?" He said pulling back but not letting go of me.

"Yes!" I said letting go but grabbing his hand instead.

We walked into the first place we thought the kitchen letting go before walking in.

"Hey guys I knitted new stuffies wanna come play!" He said enthusiastically. Both Hunk Shiro and Coran agreed because we all know how much Lance loves his stuffies.

We all walked into the med bay to play until Pidge got out.

Lance- roar im the blue lion roarrrrr

Keith- im the red lion fight me blue rorrororor

Keith and Lance- rororoorooror *tap lions heads together* rorrororor

Shiro- Well I'm the black lion and you need to stop fighting so we can fight zarkon

Coran- I am zarkon I hate happiness grrrrrr

¤Pidge's POV¤

They were so busy playing they didn't notice Pidge get out of the pod and grab green.

Pidge- form voltron rawr

She threw her lion at the others and fell from lack of use of her legs.

"Pidge!" They all yelled.

They got up and picked her up and carried her to her room well more like Shiro carried her they all walked behind super giddy.

We all got to my door and Shiro put me down but had a hand on my arm to keep me up.

I opened my door and plopped onto my bed sighing the guys laughing behind me.

"You guys wanna play a uno?" I turned around and said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Lance said going to my closet and getting the game out while everyone sat criss-cross on my bed except for Shiro.

~timeskip brought to you by my amazing readers <3~

"Lance you have one card left" Keith said smirking.

"Goddammit" he said sighing and picking up the cards and throwing them ant Shiro.

"Lance what was that for..?" He said moving them out of his lap.

"Because I'm FRIGGERED" he said still yelling and waving his arms around.

I started laughing with everyone else but yawned halfway through putting my head on my hand and closed my eyes.

"Awwwww guys Pidgeons tired" Lance said whispering.

"No im *yawn* not" I said struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Yes you are Pidge well see you tomorrow well all come at 9:30 to wake you up okay?" Shiro said cleaning up the cards while Lance was pushing me down.

"Goodnight Pidgeon" Keith said and pulled the blanket over me.

"Mmhhm" I said tiredly.

The last things I heard were "I love you Katie" and a kiss on my forehead before I drifted off to sleep.

¤Shiro's POV¤

We walked out of Pidge's room and all went our seperate ways heading to bed.

When I finished showering I scaredly got into bed cleared my mind and fell asleep.

"Shiro Protect Katie while we're gone okay?" Matt said giving him one last hug.

"Matt I will but don't say it like your dying please? i couldn't deal with it." He said

"Shiro we all have to go sometime" he said with a sweet sincere but pained smile.

"BYE MATTY" he yelled to him as he watched him being pulled away from him by the guards.

Matt had died in the Arena that night and Shiro truthfully couldn't deal with it so he killed himself getting his hands on one of the Galra guns and ending it all.

"Choose champion your precious love or your pathetic best friend or your only father figure" haggard said gesturing to Katie, Matt and Sam.

"Choose Katie Shiro well see you when it's your time to go she's only 15!" Matt said desperately trying to save his sisters life.

"No no no no no no nonononononononnononno" he said shaking his head.

"Fine champion all" haggar said before lifting her hands.

Right before they could have all died Shiro was shook awake.

"Shiro, are you okay??!" Pidge said clinging the  his arm.

"Pidgey?" He said highly confused.

"Yeah Shirio you were having another nightmare" She said.

"Cmon Pidge get in your sleeping with me tonight" he said pulling her into his bed.

"Okay Shirio I love you" she said snuggling her head into his chest.

"And I love you my little Pidgeon" he said hugging to her even tighter.

(A/N dodododo  da Dora dododo da Dora. So I get yelled at for shrugging today...hmm...but whatever funny story. This kid keeps playing games on his ipad before lunch, today he was playing and yelled SUCK MY ASS in line and everyone was just like tf who's man is this. Anyway I'm going to a camping competition tomorrow and all weekend so no updates till mid Sunday but there will be like three bc I will write just can't post bc no signal so yeah comment what's going on with you guys)

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