chapter 5

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(A/N irl Aaron was an ex of mine hmm.... he was nice then turned out to be a dick same thats gonna happen)

¤Pidge's POV¤

When we got to the house we were all tired but knew we needed ti go to Shiro's party. Mom was in the kitchen catching up with dad and making coffee while we went up to Matt and Shiros room.

I flopped down onto Matts bed.

"You always did have great mattress" i said sinking my face into it.

"Katie get out we have to change" Matt said  flopping down next to me.

"No ive seen you both naked before and ill cover my eyes" i said recalling bath time when we were toddlers.

"Katie first we were 5 and second you need to change too so shoo" he said picking up and putting me over his lap.

"No just change ill do it in a minute i dont care" i said tiredly putting my face back into the blanket.

About five minutes later i was disturbed from my peacefulness.

"Katie go change its later and since we let you stay in here we get to pick what you where and here are you Katherine Holt clothes and not you Pidge Gunderson clothes" Matt said while him and Shiro laughed followed by footsteps and a door opening.

I got up and ran into my room to find Shiro spread across my bed and Matt waving around dresses from my closet.

"I dont even care Shiro pucks though because hes not evil and its his party" i said flopping over Shiros tummy.

"Aww your no fun, and in not evil i have a devious imagination" Matt said laughing then flopping down on my back making a pile.

"Everyone decent" my mom said walking into the room with three cups of coffee.

"Ooo" i jumped up making Matt fall onto the floor.

"Okay Katies with extra sugar and vanilla creamer, Shiros caramel creamer and a regular amount of sugar, and Matts black like his soul" Mom finished handing all of us different colored coffee cups to each of us.

"Thank you momma holt" we all said in synch sitting down taking huge gulps of coffee.

"Okay back to the room the other day" Matt started making me look at Shiro confused.

"Why were you guys on the floor sucking face?" He asked casually taking a sip from his cup making Shiro choke and me spit it onto Matt.

"Awww cmon Katie you guys were just supposed to say 'because we are very in love and thats why Shiro turned red with jealousy when Aaron kissed you'" he said nodding his head.

"Matt shut your face its none of your business who i wanna suck face with" i whisper screamed remebering mom and dad were downstairs.

"Shiro?" Matt said dramatically turning his head to look at a bright red Shiro mouth full of coffee.

"Yeah Matt its none of your business who Katie wants to suck" he said obliviously.

"Katie is sucking who?" Mom said walking in.

"Awww Takashi your red please tell me your not sick" mom followed up walking over and put a hand onto his head.

"No momma holt its just gettig really hot in here because Katies about ti change" Matt said blankly with a devious smile.

"Oh Matt stop being a little creep ill just turn the heat down" she said scoffing and walking out before she paused and turned around.

"Katie i dont want you sucking anyone unless Matt or Shiro are with you understand?" She said

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