chapter 10

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¤Coran's POV¤

"Okay Keith hand me the stiches" I say finishing Lance's surgery.

I stitch him up and carry him back to the pod closing him in.

"Coran how much time till he's healed?" Keith asks looking worried.

I started typing on the Pod screen bringing up calculations.

"At least....1 earth week" I said turning to them.


(Lance's thoughts in the pod bold italics are flashbacks bold regular are him thinking)

"Lance cmon I have to get to dance class!" Lilliana yelled handing me the keys.

"Okay lilli just let me get Mateo, Juli and Sophia first" I said putting Mateo's jacket on him. I grabbed Mateo and Julian while Lillian grabbed sophi.

We all got into my small blue jeep and started driving.

"Bye Lilli I'll be back at 6:00 okay?" I said to her while she was getting out.

"Okay bye Lancey" she said kissing my cheek and getting out.

I was driving us all to Burlington when the twins asked if we could stop at Wendy's. I  checked my wallet seeing I only had $90 I knew I needed to get all of them and me new coats but they would be sad if they didn't eat it so Oh well.

I stopped at Wendy's getting them all 4 chicken nuggets and a little drink spending $15. When we got to the store I saw Mateo also needed new boots. Sophia's was $15, Juli's was $20, Mateo's was $20 but his shoes were 15. I knew Lilli would be hungry and would want to stop so I just decided to not myself a jacket I knew I would be cold but they are more important.

After we payed we needed to pick up Romero and Alextro  from science club.

They also wanted to eat so I got them and Lilli McDonalds. I'm now broke.

I dropped all the kids off and went to work.... the strip club. I knew it wasn't the most respected job but it was the cost of having to support my family.

My monthly costs.

Lilli's dance- $90
Romero and Alex's science- $125
Mateo, Sohpi, Juli's After school play group- $255
Mama's hospital bills- $895
Gas- $345
Food- $650

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