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Hello my amazing readers first 317 reads!?!!?!? Okay i said i was gonna update daily but then it got to be too much in the first week soooo.... and q&a time i told you guys it was coming!!!

Q. Where did you get your username from?

A. Funny story 6th grade first period language arts ♡♡ gosh i miss that class it was LITTTT so was reach aka homeroom i guess. But anyway we were writing rotation and we were writing like a newspaper. I was am still obessed with turtles and the ocean and wine coolers. Thus i came up with the name TIPSYTURTLES ♡♡

Q. How old.
A. 12 1/2 lmao December 2nd 2004

Q. Name.
A. Well ourayy calls me momma bc i call everyone kid but idk idc you can call me tips or tipsy if you want

Q. Stories?
A. I have a like 4 active rn the voltron group chat, this one and degrassi: next volt..i update this one the most because its my favorite

Q. Favorite character
A. I literally cannot decide.

Q. Least favorite character.
A. Allura allura all the way she is a terrible person and if you ever watch voltron i will be talking about how much i dislike her. I dont cuss but when i do its at allura or someone very annoying and messing with my ships.

Q. Favorite shows?
A. Glee, voltron, stranger things, supernatural in that order.

Thank you all for reading thisss comment your answer to the last one bc i want more tv bc if you know me irl ourayy snailthewerido you know all i do is read or watch these shows and youtube so yeeeaaahhh. New update should be up soon i know you all were like 'woah 0-100 real quick' from what allura said to pidge lmao i love wriing this anymore goodbye my children.

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