chapter 3

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¤Pidges POV¤

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Keith is gonna die. Matt and Shiro are gonna murder him. Shit. Shit. Shit.

¤Shiros POV¤

I wake up out if my pod healed and happy. Going to find Matt and Pidge. I walk up to Pidges room to hear that Keith fucking hit her. Oh no no no no no no Keith is gonna get the living hell beat out of him, but first i need to find out the terrible things he said to her.

¤Matts POV¤

Who ever this 'Keith'is he hurt my baby sister. Imma have to slap a bitch.

¤Third Person POV¤

Pidge is now scared for Keiths life. Some say he does deserve Matt and Shiro beating the shit out of him, but those words he said to her made her self-esteem go way down. She hasnt joked, teases or barely talked to anyone since he did that. Shiro here is trying to gain some self control over himself before he murders Keith. Matt just wants to slap a bitch.

"Katie... what did Keith say to you." Shiro said taking deep breaths

"Oh nothing really dont worry. Heh" Pidge was nervous no matter how many times she messes with people. She loves everyone on her team and would never want to see them get hurt no matter what they did even if they dont feel the same.

"Oh said some hurtful shit pidge come on shiro ill show you the security cameras" Lance said popping his head in

"Thanks Lance" shiro said getting up "Cmon Matt"

"Guys no really it wasnt that bad" she said rubbing the back of her neck "Stop Lance" she muttered in his direction

"No Pidge, Keith was out of line with the stuff he said and even worse he fucking started kicking you in the face so yeah im gonna show them because he needs to be put in his place he hasnt even apologized"

Lance led Matt and Shiro into the control room. Showing the video of all he said and did.

The video came up showing Pidge getting out of her lion crying and that sight broke both Matt and Shiros hearts. Then thats when everyone came running in.

"Pidge wheres Shiro?" Keith said

"T-They took Him" Pidge said crying even harder balling her eyes out, as Keith just looked infuriated and pushed her into a wall cornering her

"You let them take him are you serious? They should have taken you! We all know how useless you are compared to Shiro, but he is too nice to tell you that to your face so i have to" Keith said screaming in her face.

Then he kicked her again and again and again and again until Lance and Hunk pulled him of, and pidge was just on the ground crying whispering 'its all your fault' to herself.

Shiro was paralized, could not move, thoughts racing, anger rising.

"IM GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM" Shiro shouted voice packed with rage

"Shiro!" Pidge shouted as he ran up to Keiths room with Matt behind him also fuming

"What the fuck man do you not know how to knock" Keith shouted slipping a shirt on as Shiro, Matt and Pidge ran in

"You dont have the fucking write to speak douchebag i cant belive you seriously said those things to Pidge" shiro said accusingly

"Well its the fucking truth and you kno-" Keith was cut off by Shiro punching him in the jaw

"SHIRO stop its not fault he had a good reason it was my fault and im sorry for getting you taken" Pidge was once again on the verge of tears trying to drag Shiro away from anymore pain from pretty much punching his brother over her old useless self as she thinks

"Yeah listen you both were supposed to watch out for eachother and she did nothing but think of herself not you not anybody else" Keith said being the dumbass he is after a few seconds of Shiro punching him again he got up. Matt being the savage he is went over and kicked Keith in the balls then knee him in the stomach

"There bitch" Matt said then slapping Keith

They all walked or Pidge dragged them back to her room

When they got there and Matt walked off to calm himself, Shiro pulled Pidge into a tight embrace

"Im sorry he did that i wish i couldve been there to prevent him from hurting you im so sorry Katie" Shiro said tightening the hug.

"Takashi" Shiro jumped at the use of his real name "Please dont apologize it wasnt your fault, it was mine ill take better care of you im sorry i love you so much and i cant stand the thought of them taking you again"

Pidge then pulled Shiro into her room

"I wanna show you something" she said pulling away saddening at the lack of closeness between them

She pulled out a little box, she sat him down on the floor sitting down across from him. She put it down in between them and pressed a button on the top. A picture projected up, of her and him. Then it changed to the team, then Matt, and him, then Matt, him, and her, then to Matt, her, him, samuel and her mother. Then a few more of him and the whole family or as they say the whole family at christmases, birthdays, easters, valentines days when the whole family would go to dinner and just silly ones.

"I made it for your birthday, which if you dont remember is in three days but i couldnt save it anymore" Pidge said smiling like she doesnt care

"Katie, i love you so much it hurts" Shiro said tackling her into a hug, with pidge shocked at his confession took no time at all hugging him back


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