chapter 18

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¤Allura's POV¤

I'm going to start my plan to get rid of Pidge and get Shiro with my potion today.

I don't know how to get the blood of both of them but I'm getting a pretty good idea of how to do this.

"Paladins training in 5 and Pidge go help Coran" I said walking into the dining room smirking when seeing Pidge sigh and get up.

"So how are my favorite paladins doing on this fine day?" I asked sitting down grabbing what the paladins like to call a 'space peach'.

"Stop acting like that Allura none of us like you" Lance said grumbling at me.

"Shut up Lance of course you do now go get ready for training, gladiator fighting but I'm controlling the gladiator" I said getting up and making my way to the door smirking when I heard them gasp.

(Sorry it's short im still building the storyline hope you like and I think this song goes great to describe Allura in this story)

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