chapter 7

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¤Pidge's POV¤

Me and Shiro went back to my room to watch bee movie 2 and eat candy because were cool like that.

My phone buzzed while we were focused and i opened it to find a very- saddening text.

Aaron- you fat slut i hate you just kys

"Katie who texted you?" Shiro said looking over at me.

"Oh no one i-it doesnt matter" i replied cursing myself for stuttering.

"Then can i see it please?" He said

I handed him the phone and sighed as i watched him read it. He turned back to me with sorrow and pain on his face.

He pulled me into a hug and rested his head on mine.

"Were going back tomorrow morning so you dont need to worry."


"We'll miss you so much all of our kids are going to go play in so space!" Mom said to Shiro, Matt and I before we got onto the castle-ship.

"Mom its not playing its defending" i replied rolling my eyes and waving my hands around.

"Paladins and Matt we have to get back today lets go" Allura said with an annoyed voice, i wonder what her problem is.

We finished saying our goodbyes got our bags and left on the castle.
After we unpacked everyone settled in the lounge for a nice chill session.

"Lets play a game" Allura said eying everyone slyly.

"Um okay Allura lets play" pidge said awkwardly at how allura was acting.

"Can i go first please?" Keith asked politely everyone nodded at him.

"Lance truth or dare?" He asked with a little mad face we all knew what this was about.

"Umm truth?" Lance said more as a question.

"Did you fuck matt yesterday?" Keith said glaring over at my brother messing around with coran and his olkarian cubes.

"Keith no you know i wouldnt do that i just kissed him nothing else cmon" Lance replied look of desperation on his face.

"Okay i belive you" he breathed out.

"Lets move on!" Allura said awkawardly changing the subject.

"Okay hmm.... Shiro! Truth or dare?" Lance facing towards shiro and away from his friend.

"Um...dare?" Shiro said scaredly

"Everyone close their eyes and turn off the light shiro has to kiss the person he thinks is cutest but no one can know" Lance said smirking after he explained his elaborate scheme.

I glanced over at Allura before the lights went off she was smirking with her head up, does she like shiro?

The lights went off and i felt shiro bend down in front of me.

"Katie open your eyes is it okay if i kiss you?" He said smiling at me in the darkness.

I nodded smiling and gave him a little peck. He got up and walked around the group as to not make anyone suspicious.

"Okay im done" Shiro said turning on the light and sitting back down.

Allura had an irritated look on her face maybe she does like shiro but i dunno.

"My turn! Lets see Allura truth or dare!" He said excitedly.

"Dare definitely" she replied twirling her finger on a lock of her hair smirking suggestively, making have weird looks on their faces.

"Okay i dare you to try one of hunks rice puddings" he said smirking. Everyone in the group hates rice pudding except for hunk.

Hunk handed her one and a spoon because hes so nice he shares politely. She started eating it happily but made a weird face.

"Good flavor not a good texture" she said giving it back to hunk so he could finish it.

"Okay lets move onto fun questions pidge truth or dare" she asked me smirking probably planning something evil.

"Um truth i guess" i replied little confused at her evil nature.

"Tell us the truth about who you hate most in the group and why!" She said i dont know what shes planning but i dont like it.

¤Allura's POV¤

My plan was to expose how mean she really was but she ruins everything, first she takes shiro from me now this.

"I really dont hate any of you, your all great but who gets on my nerves the most is Keith because he plays his trash music loud" she replied with a small giggle at the end.

"Why would you ask that Allura why dont you answer that since you want to start stuff" Lance said giving me a dirty look along with the rest of the group except pidge.

"Guys calm down its just a game and it doesnt matter because i dont hate anyone anyways just dislike keiths trash music" she said lightening the mood and saving my ass.

"No ill answer it i hate pidge most because she is an annoying ugly fat little bitch who has everyone wrapped around her finger" i said getting mad and stomping off not realizing what i just made myself look like in front of everyone including shiro.

( A/N im so sorry it was so late this was also a filled because i needed some stuff to happen and needed to get this day over with god i need august forth to come with season three! Im so excited!!!!)

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