Part 6:Kiss Me

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Camila's POV:

I ringed the bell of Lauren's house and after a few seconds she opened the door smiling.

''Hi Camz'' she said.

''Heyy'' I smiled.

''Come in...'' she nodded.

I was looking around trying to find out if her parents were at home..I guess she understood I was nervous..

''Nobody's here..'' she giggled.

''Oh..ok!I have met your parents only twice and I don't know them really it's kind of awkward.'' I said.

''I know..'' she winked.

She grabbed my left wrist and she led me to her bedroom.She sat on her bed but I stood right next to her desk.

''Why are you standing there? she asked.

''I just want to see your cd's'' I smiled.

''Oh,I'm warning you..they're many.'' she laughed.

Lauren's POV:

''Justin Timberlake , Demi Lovato , Katy Perry ,Macklemore,One Direction ..Oh,you have ''Take Me Home'' she smiled.

''Haha,yes'' I laughed.

''I love them so much'' she smiled.

''I know..everybody knows it." I laughed.

She put the cd's back where they were before and she sat on the bed next to me..

''What are you going to wear at the next live?'' she asked.

''I haven't made up my mind yet'' I said.

''Show me the options.'' she smiled.

I opened my closet and I grabbed a black skirt,a white dress with a black belt,a pink and a grey jumper.''

''These..'' I nodded.

''Υοu should wear the black skirt with the grey jumper.'' she said.

''Yes,I think it's the best option.'' I nodded.

''But I'm in love with the white dress's perfect.'' she smiled.

''You can borrow it and wear it at the next live'' I smiled.

''Oh,thank you Lo..but I don't know if it fits me.'' she said.

''You can try it on now..'' I said.

''Oh,thanks'' she smiled.

For a moment I imagined of her naked body and shuddered.

''Just turn around.'' Camila winked.

I blushed and then I turned around trying not to think about her..I couldn't help it.

''You're just're just're just friends.'' I was trying to convince myself that I wasn't in love with her but it was impossible to hide my feelings anymore.

''I'm ready.'' Camila said.

I turned around and I saw the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

''Wow..'' I whispered.

''Thanks'' Camila said and blushed.

She directed to the mirror,while she was dancing,but before she entered the bathroom she stepped on her own foot..I ran and I catched her before she fall.

''Oh my God..Camz..You're so clumsy..more than I thought you were.'' I laughed.

She laughed and she looked at me..

''It's the second time you catch me before I fall.'' she giggled.

''I told you that I'll save you every time.'' I smiled.

She didn't say anything.We were standing there,looking at each other,while I was holding her waist.I got closer to her.She didn't do anything..but she didn't break eye contact either.I moved my head closer to hers..our lips could barely touch.I was about to kiss her when she stepped back a little and she moved her head.

''I was about to kiss her and she stepped back'' I thought and I panicked.

''She doesn't like you,she'll get mad with you,you'll destroy the group..with your stupid feelings...'' I thought.

Tears started to appear in my eyes.I was about to apologise to her but she got closer to me,she grabbed my face and put her lips on mine.Our lips locked together and I pressed my body on hers.After a while,we let go of the kiss and we stared at each other.

''That was my first kiss.'' she whispered.

''I know..'' I smiled.

She hugged me.

''I love you Lo'' she said.

''I love you too Camz'' I smiled.

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