Part 18:Miss Her

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Lauren's POV:

Camila broke up with me 3 days ago and since then I haven't met any of the the girls.Ally and Normani have called countless times while Dinah sent me about 10 messages or maybe more.Always my answer was that I miss them but I can't go to the rehearsals because I'm ill.Even though I'm trying so hard I can't find the courage to meet them.Since Camila and I broke up I can't even find the strengh to eat or get off of my bed.It's like a part of me is missing.Before I met Camz my life was unbearable.I was a lonely girl who couldn't find even a tiny reason in order not to kill herself.Camila found me just on time.But now without her it's even worse than before.Just the thought that I will never feel again her lips on mine,touch her perfect body and feel her tiny fingers intertwined with mine can tear me down like nothing else.WIth her I was feeling important..responsible for someone's smile.I used to love the fact that her happiness was depending on mine and my happiness on hers.I just never thought she would given up on me.What did I do wrong?I wish she would love me as much as I do.But I guess she doesn't even care about me anymore.I won't even try to get her back...It's hopeless.I guess I have to get over her..I just don't think I can...

I started to cry again hugging my pillow as tightly as I could.I just miss her body next to mine,I miss her smell,I miss everything about her..

Camila's POV:

I was lying on my bed thinking about Lauren when Dinah called me..

''Hi Mila.How are you today?'' she asked.

''Hi...hmm..I'm better.'' I said.

''Nice..because you have to come for practice today.In three days we have another performance and you know the competition is getting harder and harder.'' she said.

''Hmm..I'm sorry,but I don't know if I can come today.'' I lied and I faked a cough in order to convince her I was too sick.

''Oh,come on know we can't do this without you and Lauren.''

''Wait.What do you meand wihout and La-Lauren?'' I said and actually stuttered as I tried to say her name.

''Oh,don't you know that Lauren is ill too?'' she asked confused.

''No,I didn't...'' I started to say but Dinah interrupted me.

''Mila...Did anything happen between you and Lauren?'' she asked worried.

'',nothing.'' I said.

''Are you sure?Is everything okay?'' 

''Yes,everything's fine..'' I said.

''Okay.So,I'll come to pick you up in about an hour and then we'll go to pick up Lauren..'' she said.

''Dinah,I told you I can't come...'' I started to say but she interrupted me again.

''I don't care.You sound fine to me.I don't know why you don't want to meet us and you don't have to tell me about it right now.But we have to win this fucking competition and you know we're capable of it.'' she said a little angrily.

''Okay...whatever.Just be on time..'' I said cheerlessly.

''Okay..bye.I love you cupcake.'' she said calmly this time as she understood I was upset.

''I love you too'' I said and hung up the phone.

I went to the bathroom in order to get ready.I wore a white blouse and olive shorts.

I'll meet Lauren in less than an hour and I'm not ready for this..probably she's not ready to meet me too.I didn't want our relationship to end up like this.We had something special and neither Lauren nor me can deny this.I couldn't imagine that this competition,that was responsible for our relationship,would be the reason I had to break up with Lauren.Actually,all this happened because of Simon.When I first saw him at the bootcamp I knew he was the only person that could make my dream come true.I didn't know I had to sacrifice my happiness in order to do what I love so much.

Suddenly,I heard a knock at the door and then Dinah's voice from downstaires.I went to the living room and I saw Dinah and my mum at the door.

''Hey..'' Dinah waved at me.

''Hi'' I smiled weakly.

''I'll be back in a couple of hours'' I said to my mum.

''As long as you are at Dinah's house you can stay as much as you want to..'' she smiled.

''Also,Dinah told me that you already missed a rehearsal so you'll have to practice a lot today.'' she continued and winked at her.

''That's true.'' Dinah nodded.

''Thanks mum..'' I mumbled and kissed her cheek before I leave with Dinah.

Lauren's POV:

Dinah called me 20 minutes ago and told me she would come with Camila to pick me up.We'd go to her place cause we had to practice for our next performance.I wasn't in mood to even get off of my bed,let alone to meet Camila  and the rest of the girls.Finally,I decided I should get ready and try to look happy when I'll be around Camila..

''I'll make her believe I don't care about our break up...that I don't care about her,about us.'' I was thinking while I was getting ready.

I took off my pants and I stared at my reflection on the mirror.

''You look disgusting'' I whispered to myself.

''Probably that's why Camila broke up with you.You look awful...'' I continued.

I placed my hand on my stomach and I looked again at the mirror.Tears apperared on my eyes and with a quick move I left,with my nails,a big red mark on my skin.My eyes blurred from the tears and without even thinking I left some deeper marks on my tights.I sat on the floor and placed my head in my hands crying even harder.Finally,I wiped away my tears,I got up and headed to the closet in order to choose an outfit.I wore my jeans and a blue blouse.I also put on some make up..I didn't want anyone to understand I was crying for hours before I get there.I was putting on some mascara when somebody knocked the door.Nobody was home so I had to open the door by myself.I stoood right next to the door,I took a deep breath and I opened it.I saw Dinah and Camila standing in front of me.

''Hi Lolo..'' Dinah waved.

''Hi'' Camila nodded indifferently.

''Hi girls.'' I smiled weakly and I put my hand around Dinah's waist.

''Are you better Lo?'' Dinah smiled and kissed my cheek.

''Yes..It wasn't something serious..'' I smiled and glanced at Camila who was staring at the floor.

''Okay,so let's go...Normani and Ally will be at my house in less than ten minutes.'' she said and headed to her car..

Both Camila and I nodded.

I was about to sit on passenger's seat but Dinah told me I couldn't cause she had put there her new laptop..

''Watever..'' I said irritated and Dinah looked at me confused but she didn't say anything.

So,I had to sit next to Camila...

While Dinah was driving Camila was looking the whole time outside the window.She didn't even looked at me once.Once,Dinah turned sharply and Camila's hand accidentaly touched mine.I felt goosebumps at all over my body by the feeling of her skin on my skin.Automatically,she moved away her hand and keep on staring out of the window.I held back the tears that started to appear on my eyes and I looked at the other side too.

''I miss her.I miss the feeling I was getting when she was touching me...'' I thought..

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