Part 16:I Have To Do This

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Camila's POV:

I had to talk to Lauren since yesterday moring at the bootcamp.I promised her that I would call her but I didn't.I just can't meet her..I know that the next time we'll meet is going to be the last one..The last time I'm going to hug her,to touch kiss her.I'm trying so hard to forget about her..but I just can't help it.She's the only person who didn't really care about my appearance,who loved me for who I trully I am.I can't just stay away from her because Simon told me so.I can even sacrifice my career in order to be with her.But probably she wouldn' I have to do what's best for her.I want her to be happy even if I'm not a part of her happiness..even if I'm not with her.

Finally I took a decision.I'd meet her this afternoon and I'd tell her I want to break up with her..

Lauren's POV:

I have send about 4 or 5 messages to Camila but she hasn't replied to any of it.I hope she's okay..I'm so worried about her because she usually replies to me right away.It was after 2 minutes when she finally called me..

''Hey baby..'' I said.

''Hi'' Camila said almost in a whisper.

''Why didn't you call me?'' I asked worried.

''I'm sorry..I just had ma-a-ny things to do yestersay..and I-I just fo-forgot it..sorry'' she stuttered a little.

''Hm..Are you okay baby?'' I asked really worried.

''Yes'' she said more lively this time.

''You don't sound like you are okay.What's going on?'' I asked trying to figure out what happened.

''Nothing..just..nothing..'' she said.

''Are we going to meet together?'' she asked and changed the subject.

''If you want to..yes.'' I smiled.I miss her so much..

''You can come to my place.'' I continued.

''Okay..see you.'' she said.

''Bye..I love you..'' I said.

Camila's POV:

I got to Lauren's house 1 hour after I called her.I knocked the door and she appeared in front of me within a few seconds.

''Hey camz'' she said and she placed a kiss on my lips.

''Hi baby'' I smiled weakly.

She wrapped her hand around my neck..

''I don't know why you're in bad mood but I just want to see your beautiful smile again..I love you'' she whispered.

Even though I tried really hard I didn't manage to hold back the tears.

''Wh-what happend? Lauren asked really worried and wiped away my tears.

''I need to tell you something..'' I said.

''What?You can tell me whatever you want to.."

''I have to do this'' I thought..

I looked into Lauren's captivating eyes and I took a deep breath..

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