Part 26:On A Real Date

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Lauren's POV:

I hadn't talk to any of the girls since yesterday when we told Ally and Mani about my relationship with Camila.I was covered with a blanket and listening to music at my room when someone rang the bell.I didn't know who was at the door and I didn't care at all to be honest.Suddenly I heard a knock at my door..

''Lauren..'' I heard Camila voice.

"Oh my God.Why didn't she call or something?'' I whispered annoyed but also felt a little relieved because I really needed someone to comfort me right now and Camz was always my first option.

I quickly swept my tears that had previously appeared on my face and told her to come in.She hesitantly opened the door and entered the room.

"Hey Lolo" she said softly.

"Hey" I nodded.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"How am I supposed to feel after what happened yesterday?" I said and I felt like crying again but I managed to hold back my tears.

Camila sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back.

You have the right to feel any emotion you want baby.Just let me know when you're not okay.I'll be here for you..if you let me to." she smiled weakly.

"And I know it was tough what happened yesterday.It wasn't easy for me too.But she'll understand..I know she will." she continued.

"Yeah I hope so.By the way,I'm sorry I just left yesterday without saying anything.I was really upset.." I said a little concerned but still couldn't remove that smile from face.Camila could be really cute and supportive sometimes.

"I understand." she said and kissed me softly.

She suddenly wrapped her hand around my left wrist and then started to move it up and down my arm.I looked at her and she seemed really worried.

"Did you..?" she started to say..

"Did I cut?No I didn't.." I said smiling a little because I love that she cares so much about me.

"Oh!Thank God.." she breathed relieved.

"You don't have to worry so much about me.I'm fine.." I said and stroked her cheek with my fingers.

"I can't help it.." she laughed.

"I want you to be happy.You deserve it Lo.." she smiled.

"God you're so cute.I love you so much.." I smiled widely.

"I lov.." she just managed to say before I grabbed her face and kissed her again.

After a couple of minutes of kissing and cuddling Camila suddenly said that she had to leave..

"Oh no.Please stay..." I almost begged her.

"I can't.I have a lesson.Who's the nerdy now huh?" she said playfully and laughed.I love when she makes fun of me because I study all the time.I'm kinda proud to be a nerd and she knows it.

"Okay.Go and study.Lauren feels lonely but who cares?'' I replied but she knew I was joking.

"Who's Lauren?" she laughed and I slapped her arm which made her laugh even harder.

"Seriously I don't know who that Lauren is but if she feels so lonely I could take her out after I'll finish my lesson.." she said and couldn't stop smiling.

"Like..on a date?" I smiled and I felt charmed.

"Yes..on a date.But she's probably tired so we can go out another day.." she laughed.

"She really enjoys to make my life difficult" I thought and smiled.

"No no.She's fine.So,let's say at eight? I asked.

"Eight is fine." she smiled.

"See you then.Bye.." she said.She quickly kissed my cheek,said goodbye to my mum and left the house.

I instantly stood up and almost ran to my closet.I really wanted to look beautiful for her..even though I didn't feel this way.I tried on some of my clothes but everything was awful on me.

''You're disgusting..'' I whispered to myself and threw the t-shirt I was holding on the floor.

I sat on my bed and took a breath because I didn't want to end up crying again.Ι headed to the closet and finally decided to wear a black skirt and an also black top.Then I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.I was washing my hear when I suddenly saw the razor next to me.I held and I was trying to decide whether I should do it or not.My first thought was Camila and that I didn't want to disappoint her.I promised her I'd stay strong.I slowly put the razor down as tears had started to roll down my face by now.

''Only for you baby..'' I whispered and continued my shower trying to not think about it.

After a while I got out,I put on the clothes I'd decided previously,put on some make up on waited for her to come.It wasn't a long after and I heard a knock at the door.I opened and I saw Camila smiling widely.She was wearing a white dress and her hair were curly.

''Wow..'' was the only thing I managed to say.

''Thanks.You look beautiful too..'' she giggled.

''You too.You're stunning.Seriously you're so beautiful..'' I couldn't really stop making her compliments.

She smiled awkwardly and I could see her blushing.

''She adorable..'' I thought and I really wanted to kiss her but I couldn't right outside my house.

I'm sure she was thinking the same thing but she just held my hand and started to walk.We were walking for about 10 minutes and then she stopped in front of a restaurant.

''Here we are..'' she smiled widely.

''Wait?Are we gonna'' I asked excited.

''Yep..'' she said and coundn't stop smiling.

''Oh my God.I real a couple.'' I said before I couldn't stop myself.

Camila laughed and seemed to enjoy this..

''Yes.A real date,on a fancy restaurant..with my really beautiful girlfriend.'' she whispered and kissed me softly.

She wrapped her arm around my waist and we entered the restaurant..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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