Part 24:My Life Is A Joke

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Lauren's POV:

It is about 3 weeks after me and Camila we're back together and I feel again complete.I'm sure that no one else in all over the world is as happy as I am right now.I was sitting on my bed with Camila in my arms and we were scrolling down on twitter.

''We could post the selfie we took this morning..'' Camila smiled.

''I don't know..'' I said hesitantly.

''Please..'' she begged me and she looked right into my eyes.

''Ugh..Okay'' I laughed.

The truth is I can't deny her anything ..and she knows it..

She smiled and then she tried to post the selfie.I helped her a little cause she's still unable to use my laptop properly.She finally managed to post it...with the hashtag #camren.We spent the next half an hour watching and laughing at the comments.

''Wow.So many Camren Shippers..'' Camila said.

''I know..'' I laughed.

''..but not all of them..'' I continued and pointed to the screen.

''Camren Shippers are annoying as fuck.Camren is not with it.'' Camila read the comment.

She looked at me seriously but she couldn't help herself from laughing.

''This girl says that Camren is not real..Is it true?'' she frowned playfully and kissed me softly.

''Nah..I don't believe her.I ship Camren..'' I laughed and I kissed her again.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and rolled on top of me.She kissed my neck and then looked at me..

''You're beautiful..'' she said.

I was about to tell her she's beautiful too but suddenly her phone rang.She grabbed her phone and looked at it.Then looked at me frowned and back to her phone.

''What happened?'' I asked her.

''It's Simon..'' she mumbled without looking at me and answered the phone.

''Fuck'' I whispered so Simon couldn't hear me.

I was staring at Camila trying to figure out from her expressions if Simon called to tell us something about the group or it was something associated to our ''boyfriends''.

''Simon want to talk to us.." Camila said.

''Oh,I'll call the girls..'' I said hoping that he wanted all of us.

"No,Lo.He wants to talk to just me and you.." she said trying to avoid to look at me.

''No,Camz...I don't want to." I said and I tried to hold back my tears.I know that Camila feels as bad as I do about Simon's idea and I don't want her to feel any worse.

Camila understood I was about to cry so she quickly wrapped her arms around me.Being in her arms imidiatelly made me feel a little better.

''It's okay baby..we're together at this." she whispered and I could feel her hot breath to my neck.

''Promise.." I said and a tear rolled down my face.

''I promise..'' she said and kissed me softly.

''Let's go..'' she said and held my hand.

She smiled at me but I could see the pain and the worry in her eyes.I really want to tell her that everything is going to be okay..but I'm not sure.At this point I don't have the strenght to help her and comfort her and I feel so bad about it.I wish I was stronger.Not for me..but for her.

I told my mum to drive us to Simon's office.When we finally got there I kissed her and told her we would take a cab to come back.When she left me and Camila headed to Simon's office.The last time the two of us went to his office together we were confident and determined.Now we're scared.

Camila knocked office's door and we both entered the room.

''Hi girls'' Simon smiled.

''Hi'' Camila said and I just nodded.

''I guess you know why you're here..'' he said.

''To talk about our boyfriends..'' I said ironicly.

''Right.'' he said and pointed to the chairs next to his desk.When we both took a seat he began to talk..

''I decided that Camila shouldn't have a boyfriend..she could just hanging out with a guy.''

Instantly a huge smile appeared on my face.Nobody's going to kiss or touch my Camz..I'm so happy.

Camila smiled at me and then looked at Simon.

''Who will be that guy?'' she asked.

''Austin Mahone.'' he said and looked at me.

Fuck.Camila really likes Austin.I could feel like crying again but I didn't want to cry in front of Simon.Camila didn't say anything but wrapped her hand around my waste.

''What about me?'' I asked acting like I didn't care.

''You'll be dating a guy..'' he said.

Camila took her arm away from my waist and looked at the floor.I quickly held her hand and rubbed it softly.

''Who?'' I asked trying hard not to cry.

''We decided you should date one of you're friends..Luis is a good idea.'' he said and looked at me.

''Who?Luis is a friend.I'm not going to date him.'' I yelled.

''It's not up to you..'' Simon said inexpressibly.

I looked at Camila and she nodded.

''It's okay Lo..'' she whispered.

I nodded and told Simon I agree.

Camila will hang out with Austin and I'll date Luis.Fuck,my life is a joke..

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