Part 19:The Truth

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Lauren's POV:

The last three weeks Camila is ignoring me.We meet each,we perform on the same stage,we spend time together...but she acts like I don't exist,like she was never in love with me.There some times that I don't even care if the girls are around and I just want to attack to her lips..I just can't help it.Today we'll meet at my house in order to tomorrow we'll have the last performance before the finals.We're so close..I'm sure we can do this..

I heard a knock at the door and when I opened it I saw Ally standing in front of me.

''Hello'' she smiled.

''Hi Ally'' I smiled.

''How are you?'' she asked.

''Fine..'' I said.

''Are you sure?How do you feel about tomorrow?Are you okay?Are you nervous?Don't worry..everything will be okay..'' she said wihtout taking any breath.

''Typical Ally'' I thought and a laugh escaped my lips.

''What?'' she asked confused.

''Nothing.Everything's okay.'' I smiled.

''What about you?How do you feel?'' I asked.

''I'm really excited.We almost made it Lo..'' she smiled and she hugged me.

''Damn,I love this girl.'' I thought.

I heard another knock at the door and when I opened it this time I saw Dinah and Camila.They waved at me and they sat on the couch.Camila hugged one of my pillows and Dinah placed her feet on the small table in front of her.

After about 3 hours all the girls left..except from Dinah.We were sitting on my bed and she was talking about her new boyfriend.The she looked at me,she smiled and she asked me..

''What about you Lauren?''..

'''' I stuttered a little.

''Lauren,we are know you can trust me.'' she said and she placed her hand on my shoulder.

''Okay,actually I need to tell to someone about this..'' I said.

''But promise me you won't judge me..'' I continued and I took a deep breath.

''You know I would never judge you Lauren..I support you at everything you do..'' she said  sympathetically

''So,who's the lucky guy?'' she asked.

''Hmm..actually he's not a guy..''

''What do you mean?'' she asked confused.

''I'm..I'm in lo-love wi-th a g-girl..'' I stuttered and a tear rolled down my face.

Dinah at first didn't say anything but then she put her hand around my waist and she hugged me.

''Don't cry baby..It's okay..'' she whispered.

I placed my head on her shoulder and I cried even harder.

''No,it's not  okay..'' I sobbed.

Dinah looked at me confused.

''Because the girl I'm in love with is..'' I continued.

''Who?'' she asked worried.

''Ca-Camila..'' I said.

Dinah looked at me socked.

''Wh-what?'' she asked.

''Yes,Camila...and she's in love with me too.Hmm..actually she was.She broke up with me one month ago.''

''What do you mean.Were you in a relationship?'' she asked doubtfully.

''Yes...but not anymore.'' I said and I started to cry again.

She hugged me again and she rubbed my back.

''Just tell me everything..'' she whispered.

So,we spent the whole night talking about me and Camila...

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