A/N: Funnier video clip link below ... John at his best- cracking Paul up https://vimeo.com/196742915
Hello There!
Louie rattled on my brain a few weeks ago and wanted out!! She was determined.
So Louise guess what; I'm uploading today!
Her name is Louise Harrison but her story is not that of the real one ....
Please comment, please question, please point out my flaws or Lou's!
I do not own the Beatles but I do love them dearly.
And in The End..... Please Remember this 'ere is a work of fiction, total tripe and dribble.
Get It Straight, Or Say Good Night
FanfictionLouie has known The Beatles forever.... George's sister (boy do they bicker like most siblings do!) She happily calls the boys' friends. ~ Tag along as she navigates a devastating event. Watch who steps up ...and how they negotiate the resulting pre...