Louie has known The Beatles forever.... George's sister (boy do they bicker like most siblings do!) She happily calls the boys' friends. ~
Tag along as she navigates a devastating event.
Watch who steps up ...and how they negotiate the resulting pre...
Louise was so big her belly full of baby, the time was slipping by and any day now she would be a mother.
Late at night or even on a tiring afternoon she cried in her room frightened, scared of the future, feeling very much alone.
Paul promised to assist but it didn't quell any fears, just highlighted them in fact, he was a great guy but at arm's length. Sex with Paul was nice for sure, he ensured a good time was had by all but he didn't love her, it was a means to an ending so to speak. Lou found herself feeling the same way, although Paul would be an easy one to love, she never dared open her heart to him, what with the mess with John, and the deal.
Lou lay sprawled on the couch it had taken minutes of jiggling to get comfortable, finally on her side she lay, one leg on, one leg off the side toes touching the rug, a pillow jammed under the small of her back and another ready for if she needed to shove it anywhere in between.
John strolled in to the living room from his bedroom and she stared at the ash-grey suit he wore, fitted and tight, showing off the fine specimen of a man he had become. He didn't have his glasses....They were on the table right next to Lou. So, she thought... she can stare away at Winnie to her hearts content.
His profile that of a Roman she imagined, although she had never met a Roman.... Anyway the nose sharp and strong but distinguished and suited his face, laser brown eyes that would bore into you if you annoyed him, softer, lighter milky coffee puddles when he was clowning or laughing.
She openly watched his arse as he stretched over to grab his socks and pointy boots from by the front door, trousers tightening over his hide.
Louise Lennon sighed.
"There they are, why didn't you tell me when I asked you Louise?!" John was speaking, she finally realised.
"What? Pardon?"
"I asked where my glasses were. You've been staring at me and not replying"
"No, I haven't"
"You have.... Staring like I was a statue or piece of art" John smirked down upon her "Mayhap the statue of David or, or... what's a famous handsome bloke painting?"
"Edvard Munch- The Scream mayhap!?" Louie teased back knowing full well John knew the painting she was offering up to him as a likeness, the scary looking figure not at all handsome.
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"Hardy Ha ha, very funny that one is like an alien"
"Your point being?" Lou grinned up off the couch, John liked the banter, they could always test each other's wit and they drove the sarcasm so well.
"Stop being so narky, say something nice will ya"
"Like what John?" Lou huffed, she couldn't just give him praise he's still been a complete pain in the arse lately, always, forever.
Those thoughts almost mirrored in Johns mind too, could they ever get on the same page. "Like I'm the best lover you have ever had"
"Oh come on, Louie hand me something" Hands flew up in the air, John now the one to huff and grumble "2nd best?!"
"I meant... silly I'm hardly going to tell you something like that, now am I!"
She was too soft, having been forgiving to him for the morning they had consummated their mock marriage, where he had hurt her so. He was a child in a god's body and anything he said was to be taken with a pinch of humour and sprinkling of his ignorance of a woman and her emotions.
She laughed a little, then held her stomach the movement causing a pain in her side.
"Ok?" John slumped down beside Lou on the very edge of the couch and watched her walk fingers over her stomach. "Almost time...."
"Scared?" John hadn't really thought about the whole have a baby thing being scary but Lou's face flooded with worry as he watched and he wanted in that moment to take away all the pain and fear she held and would go through. He laid a hand over hers to stop her fingers, she was fidgeting and not looking at him.
Lou upturned her chin and met Johns eyes "Terrified"
"Well the little one will be born and you will forget the pain soon enough"
"Terrified of everything Winnie, not just the birth" Lou stopped and placed a hand back on her stomach and John took her other, stroking her knuckles gently.
"It will all work out Maybelline" John smiled sincerely but all she could see was an abyss opening, huge and deep.
"I've no one" Tears slipped and John was speechless, Lou was crying again but to him, her eyes needing reassurance- he offered what he could.
"You've got me" John watched her drag her eyes downwards and a shudder broke through her body "You have Louise, I am a selfish twat but whatever happens I am here, the lads too"
"I know, I know that" Lou raised her eyes finally "I'm just alone, so alone"
"What about Paulie, haven't you two been, well, you know, together" John tried to catch a glimpse of her face hidden behind her hand, instead he ran his hand along her back.
"It's not forever love John, just sex"
John sat back in the seat wasn't sex love especially with someone you knew, he had felt stuff for Lou when he held her even if they were just friends. He presumed even if Paul was off with Jane at times he loved Louise too, much to Johns discomfort.
"Look I've got to go to the studio, have a lie down and stop stressing, alright, that's an order" John smiled and stood up.
"Oh bossy, I like that" Lou perked up a little as John stood to leave "But only when I say you can, I'm boss otherwise, you hear"
Louise then frowned as she watched John pick up his horrid little black book.
John thought he had never seen her look so down in the dumps but still he flicked through some pages quickly and then one at a time, til his finger tapped on the lucky ladies name he would be calling from the studio.
He grinned at her not even realising that her heart was twisting, a knife cutting gouges out, like pieces of her life disappearing. Lou hiccuped and stood slowly, then waited for the stars to disappear from her vision and after the few seconds pause, waddled her way through to the kitchen, as the front door slammed shut.