True Friend

888 32 71

"John put me down!" She shrieked. This was them John, Paul, the band, George, they all could lift her and her mood like nothing else, a load of sunshine on a stormy day, she would never admit it to them though.

"Say Sorry May-be, Mabel"

"Sorry John, now down. Where are we going now? Seeing as you louts have lost us a warm room and tea"

"Train station I suppose"

They walked the blocks to the Lime Street station Louise positioned in the middle, she tried desperately not to worry or look about and behind for her nightmares but the lads caught her twice and both wrapped arms around her waist and shoulder.

"I haven't been out since that night I told you" Lou took the warmth, the mateship, the protection from them both "I shouldn't be such a chicken but the night is quite evil now"

Louie looked at Paul then, he was looking ahead but noticed her gaze, lifting an eyebrow in question "I'm guessing big mouth told you then"

"He told me a little not a lot though, secrets safe though Lou and don't be scared, luv" Paul smiled sincerely and offered her his smoke, she turned it down not needing the nicotine hit now.

"You'll be right, two strapping laddies to look after you" John chuckled by her ear and squeezed her shoulder for good measure.

"I don't know 'bout strapping lads but I shoulder be right with you two" Louie giggled and that was ok, they thought, if she had to use sarcasm and humour to cope with her lot, so be it.

The page lay on her lap and she tried desperately to read it through. Paul's writing, John's writing, more doodles, pictures of babies and houses, it was a very busy piece of paper.

Paul sat swinging his leg off the wall beside the ticket office and the railway person inside the small room wasn't very pleased, but he didn't say anything about it. So, Paul continued, quietly smoking, blowing rings into the cool night air.

John slouched, dozing in and out of sleep, on the next bench along and several times Paul had to kick him because he had started snoring.

"Right done" Louise stood up and walked into the entry hall of the station, not waiting for either boy. They hurriedly bound after her once Paul had kicked John with a little too much enthusiasm making the older boy tip off onto the stations grimy floor. After another PJ scuffle they caught up to Louise, taking their places again as they marched through the night.

"So...." John poked her nose so she would look at him, troubled eyes and a frown greeted him as they melted into the night past the next lamp post.

"This page is.... Well you both should have writing lessons" Louie was having trouble getting what she wanted to say out. "It's so easy on paper isn't it. At the moment there is no wife, no baby, so no bother. Then it becomes real John. Messing with your career, my parents, Mimi, stuck with a wife, a crying baby. Have you actually thought about it being real John, truly looked at the mess it would be?"

Louie stopped and turned to John, taking his warm hand, her fingers holding each side, palm and back "I'm awed at what you have thought to do.... but this" She put his hand on her stomach 'This is my bed to lie in, not yours. I can't let you do this"

John eyed Paul to move along, which he did, not far but enough to give them a moment alone under the lamp light "You saw what I wrote we'll put a time limit on it, get you and the baby settled then you can divorce me, it's just paper Louise. Don't think about the church and their now and forever shite. This is bigger than that. It's your life"

"That's right it's my life" Louie let go of his hand and surprisingly hugged him, her arms laced around his shoulders, fingers meeting behind, her head resting on his collarbone..... then just as quick she was stepping away to gaze at him whispering gently "Your band is on a precipice of great things John, you don't need me dragging you down"

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