Gay Paree Numéro Deux

378 21 16

"Thank-you again Brian, the room is so beautiful and the concierge was beyond helpful" Louise leaned forward to stare at the rue stretching in front of their car, the Arc De Triomphe was in the distance and she was excited to see such a majestic monument.

Brian nodded accepting her thanks, then pondered "How is everything with young Eve? She certainly looks healthy and very much the jolly cherub she usually is"

Louise smiled. "She's been just perfect... the operation of course went splendidly and the past two weeks she has healed so quickly it's amazing really. It must be because a baby's skin is so soft and grows so rapidly"

"She is getting big, she was standing against furniture wasn't she... before the surgery"

"Yes, she's not back to that just yet but any day now, I believe. I can't hold her back, she has such energy!"

The Instruments

"Ahhh look, here we are. Come on Louise let's meet the talented Countess Sabine"

"A countess?!" Louise near on cringed in trepidation "Brian, I only needed a clothes shop"

"This is a fashion house Louise, we're in France! They make fashions for the upcoming seasons, and sell their designs all over the world. I've been led to believe she will have everything you need"

Louise looked out the car window at the building nervously. It was one thing to find a dress in a retail shop but a fashion house with a countess. "Brian, perhaps we should just go into the main part of town, find a boutique, I'm sure that would do"

"Louise trust me, let me indulge you just this once, hmmm?" Brian patted Lou's hand and stepped out into the sunlight, the day was perfectly  brilliant with a clear azure sky "I'll make introductions and leave you in Sabine's capable hands. I'll take coffee at the that café over there, not too far.... See, the one with red and white striped awning" Brian took Lou's elbow and guided her into the large entrance hall decorated with massive murals of dancers, beautiful models and handsome men.

Starting off slowly Louise drift somewhat dazed through room upon room filled to the ceiling with bolts of material. Hardworking seamstresses and tailors with measuring tape and chalk hunkered over templates as Lou gazed about; She was out of her depth, just a common Liverpudlian girl dropped in a treasure trove of fabric and creation all swirling around in vibrant colours and patterns.

Once absconded to the main office, a large room with mannequins stood swathed in bright designs, the countess gave Louise the once over. Running a critical eye over Lou's curves or lack thereof. Making Lou feel even more inadequate and dowdy in her simple clothes.

But it was all show Lou was to discover. The raised eyebrow that had seemed unimpressed at the sight before her finally relaxed and a smile graced the countess's face.Turning her from dour to stunning.

"Missusss Lennon, it is a pleasurrre to meet with you" A manicured hand laid soft in Louise's and they shook politely. Sabine then kissed both of Lou's cheeks, such a French thing to do!! Well I am in France, aren't I!

"Lou please, or Louise"

"Louise, a beautiful name. Now please tell me your devious plans for your husband's downfall!!" Sabine laughed joyously. Brian had already informed the woman that Louise wanted to wow John with a splendid gown. As they strolled arm in arm Lou explained, they took tea on a small balcony crammed with lush greenery overlooking the river Seine. People watching as they sat chatting about London and the weather. Delicious petit fours eaten as they sipped the tea and gazed over the scene. 

Louise explained what she wanted Who she wanted to channel. Sabine, at first, tried to sway Lou into being more of her natural self but even with all her French persuasion she lost the battle. Lou was adamant, her surprise entrance needed to be a stunning revelation. Something capable of making even John's 'I've seen it all... and a whole lot more..' jaw drop.....

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