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"Step away from the daughter" Lou snarled as she shut the front door.

John had watched her staggering up the path like she was carrying a weighty load on her back, legs apart, grimacing for some reason.

"No" Protected he was when he held Evie, Lou would never harm a hair on his head if he had Eve in his arms.

"Put Evie down or no sex for a week"

"Awwww, a week!" John whined as he tossed up if Lou's sex was worth the weeks abstinence.

He placed Evie in the playpen.

"Move away from Evie, no crouching by her. I can't murder you while you make peekaboo faces at her" Louise sat her bag down, took off her coat and rolled her shoulders and swaggered like John Wayne into the room.

"Why are you walking like that!?" John stood up and frowned at her funny gait, he hadn't seen that one on the comedy show the other night, lots of other gaits though, bloody funny as. Oops she has laser eyes "Your tan looks great Louise!!" John complimented hastily.

It did! He wasn't lying.

Granted he had been a tad bit worried as the lass at EMI on the reception desk looked like a Jaffa Cake but who knows, maybe she really liked Jaffa Cakes, I know I do. Not hers though, only the Jaffa cakes Louie buys.

"Jaffa cake?" John offered as he bypassed Louise as she staggered to the playpen to catch John and give Evie a kissy on the head. "Could make tea or scotch ..... John Wayne likes scotch, doesn't he?"

"Make it a double" Lou fell into the kitchen chair and lay her head on her folded arms in utter exhaustion.

"Double Jaffa cakes or scotch?"

Lou raised her eyes and John saw it -murder. "Scotch then, just had to ask Lou. You might be hungry I don't know, now do I" John took a belt of scotch from the bottle as Lou hid her face and then he poured a triple in a beaker for her. Might as well soften her up with this than be murdered he surmised.

"Why did you ask about John Wayne?" Lou mumbled into the table. John waited, wondering if he should compliment her toenail poking out of the hole in her stockings. He also took another belt of scotch for medicinal purposes. Well when she was done inflicting pain on him he'd need it wouldn't he.

Lou sat up straight and bore holes in him with her eyes.

"Well you walked in like this" John swaggered round the room, hips rolled and legs apart, thumbs caught in his belt loops "didn't you"

"Did I?" It was more dare than question. Lou was now leaning back, her lovely golden arms crossed, head cocked, eyebrow raised, waiting for John to say what he was about to say.

"Yea if I didn't know better I'd say you had been on a fox hunt for the past few days, you know with your legs hugging the horse like Mister Wayne or a cowboy in the saddle" John took a step toward the back door as Louise stood and jangled each leg trying to get some feeling back.

"So what your saying is that I'm walking like a big pair of tweezers has ripped every bloody hair from my hooha" Louise walked up as John went to turn the handle "Is that what you're saying ..... John?"

"Well I guess so but I wouldn't call it a hooha" John countered as he made for the hallway casually, not that he had anything to run from "fountain of fun, John's playhouse, Lennon's red-light district, not hooha, Louise"

Then he ran, Louise chased him down as his laughter filled the room then screams as Lou tackled his back and made him fall flat on the timber floor.

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