Help!- Man Handle?

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"No! definitely not!" Louise paced the beach in front of a line of Beatles. The fans were well off now, down by the shore no one daring to come near Louise.

"Did you threaten them?!" George nodded toward the waves, giving the girls a small wave, a scream went up instantly.

"She threatened them with my beheading" John looked up from his seat in the sand gazing at the girl that singlehandedly fought off fans with words. "And it wasn't the one attached to my neck if you get my drift"

"Oh boo hoo. They thought I meant that one" Louise scowled at Paul as John ran a hand up her leg "Whatever are you on Paul... thinking I could or would  be in the movie ..." Louise remembered the night before and Mary-Jane "...don't answer that"

"I'm not on drugs Louise" Paul rolled his eyes at her openly, causing Lou to put her hands on her hips and straighten to full height.

"Don't do that Louise" John poked her knee and stood up, shaking the pins and needles from his legs

"Why not?"

"Because darlin" John sighed and ran his eye over his wife's attributes "your tits stick out even more"

"Stop being so crass, John"

"Stop being so beguiling, Louise"

"I'm beguiling?"

"Of course, you are" John took liberty and sank his fingers gently around Lou's hips leaning in to touch her lips to steal kiss. The fingers of his right hand feeling their way over her bum, pulling her closer John looked over her shoulder "God girl, all those fans are shooting daggers! This is great! "

"I don't care" Louise smiled blissfully as John caressed her cheeks.

"Come back to bed"

"She can't"

I can't?"

You can't"

"Geez Paul way to squash my love life" Lou grumbled into Johns neck.

"We need to do that scene or Dick will self-destruct. Come on Louise be a sport"

"Then I get John?" Lou leant into John and smiled before kissing his lips sweetly.

"Then you get John"

"Hold up don't you have to man handle her for the whole song" John spun about and watched Paul walking away before waking to the fact that Paul was actually walking away from him, nobody walks away from John. "Stop Paul .... Don't you man- handle the girl?"

"Oh you read that bit then, bully for you.... I lift her up a bit, no prob. Not like she weighs anything is it now" John was stood on the bottom step hands on hips staring into Paul. The fucker was on the prowl again, I can feel it in me bones John thought as he frowned. Well not me bones me heart, yea daggers in my heart, no in my back, yea stabbed in the back.

"Thanks for the compliment Paulie" Lou caught up to them as Richy pulled George from the water's edge, they were now being engulfed in fans. "Nice you noticed I lost some weight" Paul stopped mid stride and looked pointedly at Lou then her belly which was flat as a tack and back to her eyes.

"Paullllll" Louise growled low in warning, he was in dangerous territory looking at her like that.

"Pick you up no drama luv!" Paul ignored her growl, breaking eye contact with her stare but not before John had finished witnessing the scene, reading it entirely wrong "John it's not like I'm having a kissing scene or anything"

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