Louie has known The Beatles forever.... George's sister (boy do they bicker like most siblings do!) She happily calls the boys' friends. ~
Tag along as she navigates a devastating event.
Watch who steps up ...and how they negotiate the resulting pre...
"Come on Louise, Bob Darrie said you put out plenty" Patrick again tried to lift her ink black skirt, his hands groping and not at all gentle. Somehow, she had fallen for his 'I'm not feeling terribly well' prank so here she found herself in the back alley just beside the deliveries door to the Cavern Club at 1a.m. in the morning.
"Let go of me Patrick, or I'll scream"
"And who will hear, no one that's who. Not with those louts and that stuff they call music at full volume" He grabbed her roughly and stuck a knee between her thighs hastily tugging up the skirt, Louise slapped him hard.
"You fucking bitch" Slapping her back with a man's brute force he instantly dropped his knee away to regain a hold of her face and hit again, just to be sure she wouldn't cause a ruckus.
A thick welt rose quickly on her cheek. She took a chance, using her own knee now as a weapon, drawing it up and hitting him right where the sun don't shine. He crumpled down to the alleyways cobblestone like a marionette with all it's strings suddenly cut.
Louise gathered her wits and walked inside the delivery room not risking to look back she was bolting the door behind her with trembling fingers and for a moment she leaned heavily against the timber, letting her lungs regain her breath, letting her racing heart calm.
The music was surely loud but very welcome to her ears.
And it was welcomed so welcomed in those minutes as she closed her eyes, touched her cheek and gathered her wits.....
It gave her sanctuary, it made her feel safe.
Straightening her skirt and blouse, Louise pushed herself off the heavy door with slow movements, she wondered about her appearance, the unwanted kisses and then the slap would have made a mess of her face and realising this, she wanted for a mirror.
Moving slightly, stepping into a puddle of light from the narrow hallways' single swaying bulb Lou found the compact mirror at the bottom of her small black purse. There wasn't too much she could do for the bright red lick of pain across her cheek but with almost an imperceptible tremble, Louise touched a hint of lipstick to her lips.
She walked toward the centre of room, packed like sardines and noisy as a flock of gulls.
Funnily enough, even with all the ruckus of the rock and roll and girls and guys laughter, squeals and screams it was the only place she could actually think......
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He stood on the fifth step and roamed an angry eye over the happily crowded room, sneering openly at the noisy band on the bare boards of a stage that pelted sound about the cavernous room..... Then finally he spotted her, prissy bitch he thought. Her with the ponytail tied high white ribbon holding it in place, her that led him on when she said yes to a date, yea her the teasing cow. He didn't make a move from the narrow fifth step, he only waited for the time to pounce and attack.