Setelah Luke membentak Claire, Claire langsung diam. Hp Luke diletakkan di tengah meja dan dikelilingi oleh Luke, Ashton, dan Michael. Sementara Calum bilang dia ingin pergi sebentar.
"You... you--"
"Okay I'm sorry, Claire. But you have to listen to us right now." kata Luke. Mereka bertiga masih bisa mendengar isakan Claire.
"Is Calum there?" tanya Claire. Mereka diam. Tidak tahu bagaimana harus bilang pada Claire tanpa menyakiti hatinya.
"No. He isn't." jawab Ashton.
"Claire, we're sorry if we hide this from you. We don't want you to feel sad or hurt. I think Calum is just friends with Nia. They are indeed close to the last month. Calum didn't say anything about Nia. If we ask about Nia, he will surely circumvent and change the topic." kata Luke. Ashton dan Michael hanya diam. Claire juga diam mendengar penjelasan Luke walaupun dia masih terisak.
"Then Michael said that Aby called him and said that the news about Calum and Nia has spread. They are dating. But Calum still does not say anything to us. Finally we asked Nia and it was true. Calum and Nia are dating."
Tangisan Claire semakin terdengar membuat Ashton menghela napasnya.
"We hope Calum told us and said that Nia lie. Said that he still remembers you, still love you. But he didn't say anything. And now if we ask about Nia, he just smiles." lanjut Luke lagi.
"He forgot me." hanya itu kata yang keluar dari mulut Claire.
"No. I think he's not--" perkataan Michael terpotong.
"He forgot me, Mike. If he still remembers me. He will not do this to me." kata Claire. Tidak ada kesedihan atau emosi dalam suaranya. Bahkan dia tidak menangis lagi.
"Okay. Up to you. We're sorry, okay?" gumam Ashton.
"Yeah. And, will you all promise me?" tanya Claire.
"One day, tell Calum that I love him. Say that I will not forget it as he forgot me. Say that I will not hurt him as he hurt me. Say that I am still and will remember it even though I and Calum will never meet again." kata Claire dengan nada serius. Luke, Ashton, dan Michael terdiam.
"You promise?"
"We're promise."
"Hey Claire." sapa Dany ketika Claire masuk ke dalam kafenya. Claire duduk dengan lemas di kursi bar sementara Dany membuat coklat panas tanpa disuruh.
"Thanks." kata Claire ketika Dany memberikan secangkir coklat panas kesukaannya.
"No problem. What happened with you? You look... terrible." kata Dany. Claire tersenyum dan menyesap coklat panasnya.
"Did you ever feel, that you love someone, even she just met three times with you. Then one day she left. Said that she will not forget you and she loves you even though you are not dating. Then, few months later you got the news that she was dating someone else. And her friends hide it from you." cerita Claire sambil memutar mutar sendok. Dany tersenyum.
"I didn't. But, Claire, I've heard a quote, if you really love each other sincerely from the heart, as far as any distance, no matter how much they are attracted to people, and as strong as any obstacles, they will meet and unite. Because true love is exists. Sincere love can change anything. And for you, don't be selfish. As long as he is not yours, he has the right to be close to anyone. Don't think that's a big deal. If he doesn't want to try, you try. If he doesn't want to fight, you fight. One day your sacrifice will produce good results. One day he will awaken and will repay your sacrifice for him. Just believe in love. I'm sure he still loves you."
Begitulah kira kira pidato singkat Dany yang berhasil membuat Claire tersenyum.
"You're right." kata Claire. Dany tersenyum.
"Be strong okay? If you want friend to tell your stories, I'm here." kata Dany. Claire terkekeh.
"Okay, I gotta go. Here." Claire mengeluarkan dompetnya. Dany menggeleng dan mengisyaratkan bahwa Dany yang akan membayarnya. Claire terkekeh.
"Thanks. I gotta go now. It's 11 pm." kata Claire. Dany melambaikan tangannya yang dibalas dengan Claire. Claire menaiki lift dan melihat Aby didepan apartment.
"Claire! Yaampun gila gue panik ini udah tengah malem dan lo belom pulang?! Lo darimana aja sih? Gue panik tauga? Gue telponin lo nggak diangkat, Michael nelpon juga ga diangkat, Ashton juga. Luke apalagi. Terus lo naik apaan tadi dari kampus? Lo tuh ya, demen banget bikin gue khawatir. Kalo mau pergi tuh bilang bil--" perkataan Aby terpotong karena Claire menutup mulutnya.
"Mau tidur. Capek." kata Claire. Aby diam dan memutuskan untuk tidak menyinggung nyinggung Calum dulu saat ini.
Claire sudah berada di kasur, selimutan, menatap hp. Pesan dari Luke terus menerus datang menanyakan kabar Claire karena telpon tadi langsung dimatikan setelah mereka berjanji.
Yaelah, batrequ habis mz.
Claire menatap roomchat Calum. Terakhir pesan dikirim tiga bulan lalu. Claire mengetikkan pesan kepada Calum, lalu dihapus lagi. Begitu terus sampai akhirnya Claire stress sendiri.
Luke H: Where r u?
Claire A: Apartment.
Claire A: My battery is low, Luke.
Claire A: I'm sorry, then.
Luke H: I'm worry about you.
Claire A: Don't worry. I'm fine.
Luke H: Liar.
Claire A: 😪😪
Luke H: Just sleep okay? Night.
Setelah membalas pesan dari Luke, Claire beralih ke room chat Calum lagi.
Claire kembali menuliskan pesan, tapi dihapus lagi. Dia gelisah sendiri.
"Kalo tau gini, gue mending nggak ketemu sama lo lagi Cal. Nyesel gue dateng ke konser waktu itu."
hai hai aem bek👏👏
vommentsnya y syg sygqlop u
-mrs (soon) hemmings.
Far Away // c.t.h
Fanfiction"That's impossible. He doesn't remember me anymore," "I remember you, I just act like I forget you, but that's not true. And I still love you until now," Just a little story about Calum who met a girl in a cafe and fall in love with her. Story writt...