"Hey, you're the one who hit me, right?" tanya Jake. Claire mendengus.
Yang ada lo yang nabrak, yee gimana sih kutil onta.
"No. You hit me!" seru Claire. Jake mengernyit.
"No no no."
"Yes it is."
Claire beradu mulut dengan Jake sampai dosen datang walaupun Aby sudah mengingatkan.
"Clairyn Anderson, Jake Raymond. If you stay noisy, please exit the class." ucap dosen berkepala botak itu. Claire melotot kepada Jake yang memeletkan lidahnya.
Claire mendengus lalu mulai memperhatikan dosen yang sedang mengajar.
Saat sedang asik asik memperhatikan dosen, Jake melempar penghapus dan mengenai kepala Claire. Claire berbalik sambil melotot.
"JAKE! CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" Claire berteriak, lupa bahwa ada dosen didepan. Kelas hening. Semua mata menatap Claire dan Jake.
"Ms. Anderson, and Mr. Raymond, please exit the class." ucap guru itu kalem. Tapi Claire maupun Jake bisa merasakan nada marah didalam suaranya. Claire menghentakkan kakinya lalu mengambil tas dan pergi dari kelas diikuti Jake.
"You're the most annoying person I've ever met!" Claire meledak lagi ketika mereka keluar dari kelas.
"What?" Jake berkata dengan nada mengejek.
"ARGH!" Claire berseru sebal lalu pergi tanpa sadar bahwa Jake mengikutinya.
Claire pergi menuju taman lalu duduk dirumput. Hpnya bergetar, dan ada notifikasi facetime dari Luke. Claire tersenyum.
"Helloooo Claire." Luke berseru ceria sambil tersenyum. Mau tak mau Claire terkekeh melihat wajah Luke.
"Hai, Luke." sapa Claire.
"Where are you?" tanya Luke.
"On campus of course. But the lecturer was kicking me out because I was noisy." cerita Claire sambil cemberut. Luke tertawa.
"What happened to you?" Luke masih tertawa saat menanyakan hal itu.
"Hey! Is that your boyfriend?" Hp Claire hampir terlempar ketika Jake tiba tiba muncul di depan hp Claire. Tawa Luke juga berhenti.
"JAKE! STOP IT!" teriak Claire.
"He's not my boyfriend. He's my bestfriend, Luke. Luke, this is Jake. The person who made me kicked out of the class." kata Claire dengan nada sebal.
"Hey Luke, I'm Jake. His new friend." kata Jake riang. Luke terkekeh.
"WHO SAY YOU ARE MY FRIEND?!" seru Claire. Jake memutar matanya.
"Hey Jake. Please keep Claire okay? She's a bit sensitive." kata Luke. Claire memutar mata ketika tahu apa yang dimaksud dengan 'sensitif' oleh Luke. Jake tertawa sambil mengacungkan tangannya.
"Yes, she is." tawa Jake.
"Get out!" omel Claire. Jake cemberut lalu tiduran dibelakang Claire.
"I have to tell you something." wajah Luke mulai serius.
"What happened?" tanya Claire.
"Calum said he'll be engaged to Nia tomorrow." ucap Luke serius.
"Clairee!" Jake mengejar Claire yang tiba tiba saja berlari menuju belakang kampus. Disana sangat sepi.
"Don't follow me!" teriak Claire sambil menahan isakannya. Jake berhenti. Dia bingung. Setelah Claire mematikan video callnya dengan Luke, dia langsung berlari dan menangis membuat Jake yang sedang tertidur langsung terbangun kaget.
"Claire.." Jake memberanikan diri mengelus pundak Claire yang sudah jatuh terduduk sambil bersender ke tembok. Pundaknya bergetar.
"Ashton, Michael." gumam Claire tiba tiba. Jake mengernyit. Tepat saat itu bel berbunyi dan murid murid mulai keluar dari kelas.
"What? Ashton? Michael? Who are they?" tanya Jake bingung.
Aby. Dia pasti tahu.
Tepat saat itu, Aby datang dan menepuk pundak Claire yang masih menunduk. Bahkan Claire tidak sadar bahwa kelas sudah selesai. Aby mengernyit sebentar kepada Jake lalu fokus kembali ke Claire. Claire mengangkat wajahnya. Wajahnya merah, pipinya ada bekas air mata, matanya berkaca kaca. Aby tertegun.
"Hm." gumam Aby. Claire mengusap wajahnya.
"Michael?" tanya Claire. Aby mengangguk.
Berbeda dengan Claire dan Calum yang semakin menjauh. Aby dan Michael malah semakin dekat.
"I.. I'm sorry to hear this." ucap Aby yang kasihan melihat wajah Jake yang sedari tadi melongo karena tidak mengerti apa yang mereka katakan.
"He know me almost 3 years. But how can he did this to me?" tanya Claire.
"Maybe, Ashton is right." kata Aby.
"Maybe we should go to Syd--"
"No. I don't want to go to Sydney. What do you want to see? You wanna see Calum and Nia got engaged? Sorry but I don't want to."
"Maybe you can do this idea." ucap Aby tiba tiba.
"Move on."
"LUKE!" terdengar teriakan Ashton dari bawah. Luke turun kebawah menemui Ashton dan Michael. Calum sedang tidur, Luke rasa.
"Why did you say this to Claire?" tanya Michael.
"Aby said that she found Claire crying in the campus. You've told her right?" tanya Ashton.
"Yeah. I did. Why?" Luke yang masih belum mengerti menatap kedua temannya dengan bingung.
"Why? Luke, we're trying not to make Claire sad anymore about Calum! We are trying to distract her. Then you suddenly came and told her about this?" tanya Ashton seolah olah Luke sudah melakukan kesalaham besar.
"Am I wrong if I tell this? She should know. She should know about this. About Calum, about us. Did you know? The more you hide this news from Claire, and when she knows the news and we hide it, do you think it will make her better?" seru Luke. Ashton dan Michael diam. Melihat reaksi temannya.
"Do you think she will not get mad at us? Don't you remember what happened when we did this last time?"
"Just say that I care too much about Claire. But I did what I had to do as a friend. You don't know how happy Claire is when I sent a video or photo Calum to her. You don't know how sad she is when I say that Calum is with Nia. Even when we video call her, when we sing the song, he often cry. Aby often says that Claire sometimes likes to cry suddenly at night. Maybe people think that she is weak. But I think she's trying to be strong. She is trying to smile even though her heart is sad. She tried to laugh even though her heart was crying. Don't you realize how much Claire loves Calum?"
"You want to say that I love her? Yes, I do love her. I loved her the first time I saw her. I love her the first time she speaks to us. I love Claire."
Ashton dan Michael diam. Akhirnya mereka tahu alasan kenapa Luke terlalu over kepada Claire. Mereka tahu bahwa Luke mencintai gadis itu.
Dan Calum pun mendengar semuanya diatas.
Far Away // c.t.h
Fanfiction"That's impossible. He doesn't remember me anymore," "I remember you, I just act like I forget you, but that's not true. And I still love you until now," Just a little story about Calum who met a girl in a cafe and fall in love with her. Story writt...