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Harry traveled quickly and quietly through the dark corridor, sweating under the invisibility cloak he wore. He made his footsteps as airy as possible, all the while attempting to be rather speedy on his expedition.

His wand was held in one hand, whilst the Marauders Map was in the other, accompanied by an old piece of folded parchment with faint writing on it. The weather was still quite warm out and the Cloak felt uncomfortably heavy and it did not help that he was also accompanied with anxiety.

Now that Umbridge was at the school, he had to be weary of his surroundings and extra careful not to get caught. The ghosting pain from his last detention with that wretched woman still stung his hand.

He made continual glances at the Map to be sure that no one out on patrol was headed towards his direction. Everyone he was looking out for was conveniently patrolling other parts of the castle and the area he was travelling through continued to stay empty.

He silently slipped into the library. He held his breath as he opened and closed the big wooden door. The familiar musty smell of old books hit him, which calmed him the tiniest bit.

He glanced at the map one more time to confirm that Madam Pince was safely asleep in her bed. He then snuck towards the restricted section. scanning through the books, he found the one he was searching for and carefully removed it from the shelf. His plan was to get the information he needed and put the book right back where it belonged.

He opened the heavy book and skimmed through the pages until he found what he was looking for. He proceeded to unfold the old piece of parchment and compare it to the page he was looking at.

The book had the English translation for the Latin spell that he had had in his possession. He whispered the words softly as he read from the book.

"Once preformed, guilty you shall lie,
consequences arise to whom catches your eye.

A toll grim and painful to those who surround. Full of knowledge and dread of what's to come around

Weight sure to build in your heart and soul
Will be sure to crush you when time takes its toll

    Though a heart's desire may be granted
        a twist emerges towards our caster.

    Dark magic never comes free of charge
      A price will be paid, one rather large

     Finish this curse at your own dismay
  For once cast, reversal won't come until       
                            dead they lay               
     You have been warned yet you read on?
    Have it your way then. cast it, carry on. "

Harry finished it with a confused look on his face. There was nothing more about the spell in the book, only the incantation. It gave no information on how to cast it, and it gave no clear information on what exactly the spell was meant to do. Harry would probably have to take it back to Hermione to decipher.

Harry paused when he heard a creak. He froze for a second and then proceeded to quickly pull the invisibility cloak over him. He looked at the map and was surprised at the name he saw walking towards the restricted section. Draco Malfoy.

Harry pointed to the map and whispered 'Mischief Managed' and the words disappeared. He slipped it into his pocket.

The door open and Harry accidentally gasped. Malfoy quickly turned his head towards the area Harry was in. He glanced to the empty space on the shelf were the book had been and and his expression went from fear to annoyance.

Malfoy reached his hand out towards Harry and Harry backed as far as he could until he hit the bookcase behind him, making a noise. Malfoy then grabbed the silky fabric of the cloak and yanked it off of Harry.

"Potter." He sneered before making eye contact with Harry, but when  he looked into Harry's eyes, his own flashed red and he jolted over in pain.

Harry went from frightened to being confused and concerned.

"M-Malfoy?" Harry whispered. "What's wrong with you?"

"What did you do, you bloody prick? What did you do to me?" Draco huffed as he backed into the wall behind him and slid to the floor, putting his hands over his ears.

" I haven't done anything!" Harry quietly exclaimed.  "What's wrong?! What happened? Why are you even here to begin with?"

Malfoy looked up at Harry angrily.
"You have no business knowing what I'm doing here. And I know you've done something. What have you done to me? What have you done!? My head feels like a thousand knives are stabbing at it. What the bloody hell Potter?!"

Malfoy gathered his strength and stood up slowly and shakily. Harry stood there frozen, unsure of how to proceed.

"What've you got there, Potter?" Malfoy pointed at book and parchment in Harry's hand before snatching it out of his grasp. Harry  tried grabbing it back, but Malfoy kept it out of his reach while he silently looked over the page.

Harry struggled to get it back, but Malfoy was clearly recovering.

Realisation set on Malfoy's face as he read it and he angrily turned back to look at Harry.

"You've cursed me!"

Harry quickly shook his head.

" No I haven't- not intentionally at least. I just needed to find information . And I could've carried on with that with no problem if you hadn't strut in here like you own the place."

Malfoy lifted the book to Harry's face and aggressively pointed at the incantation.

"Did you." Malfoy huffed. "Or did you not read this out loud before I walked into this bloody room."

Harry paused for a second.

"Well... I mean I whispered it as I read it... but that can't have done anything. I don't know anything about this curse except the incantation. I don't even know how it works or what it's called, let alone how to cast it."

Malfoy held in a breath and breath and slowly exhaled and put his head in his hands.

"I, Potter, happen to know quite a bit about this curse. " Malfoy said bitterly. " I know that it's called The Devil's Spell. I know that the first person to look at the caster in the eyes will fall victim to the curse. And I know that this dammed book shouldn't even be at Hogwarts, not even in the restricted section."

Harry's eyes widened as Malfoy continued with his next sentence.

" And I know that to cast this curse, all that must occur is a person who carries magical blood in their heritage must read it out in their native language..." Malfoy looked at him straight in the eyes, a mixture of fury, anxiety and frustration laid across his face.

"Potter you bloody idiot," Malfoy's voiced cracked, as he obviously was trying to hold back an abundance of emotion. "You- you've cursed me to a death sentence."

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