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Harry waited for Draco after potions class, pretending he needed to talk to Snape. It was the last class of the day and students rushed out of the day, all except Draco who was the last person done with his potion that day. Harry found that odd, considering Draco usually finished his potion the same time as Hermione.

After hearing Snape rush him to get a move on and leave, Draco walked angrily through the door. He noticed Harry standing by the door way and his anger faded into a tired smile. Harry noticed his hair and clothes were more disheveled then his usually tidy appearance.

"Oh, hello." Draco straightened his tie a bit. "You waited for me."

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out." Harry pushed up his glasses. He felt awkward, and his face was red.

"...Sure..." Draco hesitated. "But not anywhere where people can see us... I don't want people knowing we're friends."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, of course."

"Was there any place in particular you wanted to go?"

"Hmm, what about that twisty tree by the lake?" Harry suggested. Draco smiled with a nod. No one really went near the tree, as it was in a secluded part of the grounds and not many people knew about it.

"Alright. I'll meet you there. I don't want anyone seeing us walking together in the hallways, because, well you know..." Draco shuffled his feet.

They met by the tree ten minutes later. It was still pretty early in the afternoon, as classes had lasted shorter then expected for some unknown reason. The schedules had been a bit weird this year, and classes went on shorter then expected some days, and longer other day. Harry suspected it was Umbridge's doing.

Harry and Draco sat side by side, leaning on the trunk of the tree looking out at the beautiful water of the lake. Sometimes the squid would pop out from the surface, and Harry would point it out to Draco with a smile. They talked about many different things, from classes to hobbies.

Draco apparently liked to read a lot, which didn't really surprise Harry considering Draco was a very scholarly-type person. He was top of his classes, second to only Hermione. But he also liked the fact that Draco liked to draw.

"I didn't really have much time to draw, with school and all, but when I do, I consider it therapeutic almost; it helps calm me down. I like only focusing on one thing for hours continuously and having something nice to look at come out of it."

Harry couldn't draw for the life of him, and when he tried he always ended up getting frustrated and crumpling his drawings up. He didn't really like anything he made, because whenever he brought projects, crafts, and art to the Dursley's from school, they'd always tell him whatever he made was terrible and throw it out.

Harry was curious to see what Draco drew, though. If someone spends hours on doing something, then it's worth being seen.

"I do have some drawings in my bag... this year I've had much more time to draw because I don't really care about school much anymore." He pulled out a sketch book from his bag, and opened it to show Harry.

The drawings inside were beautiful, but most of them were really sad. Harry was extremely impressed with them, though. All of the drawings moved on the pages. The first few drawings moved only in small, repetitive motions, but the farther in the sketch book Draco went, the more intricate the art's movement seemed to be.

"That's beautiful..." Harry said in awe. Draco gave Harry a slight crooked smile.

"Thank you. I've never shared my art with many people. I don't really trust many people...Now that I think about it, you're one of the only people I trust..." Draco told him. He closed his book and returned it to his bag.

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