Fireplace Talk

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Harry collapsed into one of the comfy chairs in the common room by Ron and Hermione. He swung his bag to the side and took a deep breath. The three of them were the only ones in the Gryffindor common room.

He hadn't talked to the two of them all day, not even in classes. After lunch, Harry and Malfoy had decided to skip the rest of their classes for the day, which Harry knew would backfire on him, especially considering one of those classes was Umbridge's. But they needed as much time as they could muster to figure out the reversal to the spell.

Malfoy and Harry had put (most) of their bickering aside for the day to research everything they could. Malfoy made sure to remind Harry that he would get weaker as time progressed and they needed to get as much done as possible before Malfoy was too weak to help him.

Ron and Hermione immediately interrogated him as soon as Harry sunk into the plush chair.

"Where have you been Harry?"

"You haven't spoken one word to us all day, are you okay?!?"

"You've missed Umbridge AND Snape's class! What've you been up to?!"

Harry gave a deep sigh and closed his eyes for a second before answering.

"I skipped."

"Harry! Why? You surely know that the consequences from Umbridge and Snape won't be good!" Hermione frowned. "Are you doing Okay Harry? you seem ill... If you need to talk about anything then Ronald and I are always here for you- I know after what happened last year you can't be in a good place. Mental health is just as important as physical health. I understand if that's why you skipped but that wasn't too wise, you don't want another detention with Umbridge!"

"Yeah mate, we're always here for you. But don't cause more problems for yourself than you need! You don't want to spend more time with those twats then you have to."

Harry gave Hermione a slight smile. "Thanks Hermione, that means a lot. But that's not why I wasn't in class this afternoon."

"Oh?" Hermione questioned.

"Remember that Latin spell that we found in Umbridge's desk that time when we were the last ones left in the class room because we needed to finish that assignment? And Umbridge left for a moment to do something?"

"Wait what?" Ron questioned.

"You weren't there Ronald, you were in the infirmary whining about getting sick"

"Oh yeah."

"Anyways, Harry, didn't I tell you that you should've put it back? She could've caught you!"

"Well I didn't."

"Figures" Hermione huffed. "What about the spell?"

"Well..." I saw on the back of the page a title. "In Libro Mors."

"-The Book of Death." Hermione cut in.

"Exactly." Harry nodded. "So I thought to look in the Library for the book and, of course, I couldn't find it. So last night I ventured to the Restricted section."

"Hold up." Ron stared at the two of them. "You found a mysterious Latin spell after snooping around Umbridge's desk. And on the back of it there were the words 'The Book of Death.' inscribed onto it? Does that not concern you in the least?!"

"Oh yes I'm very concerned." Harry replied.

"But also Ronald does it surprise you at all? I mean it's Umbridge!" Hermione paused to think for a moment. "But Harry, have you turned it in to Dumbledore? It could be dangerous."

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