The Daily Prophet

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Harry walked into the Great Hall for breakfast. As he walked, a few students snickered at him. He was used to that, though. Ever since the daily prophet started writing stories about how "crazy" he was.

He sat next Ron and Hermione. Hermione's expression was nervous and Ron looked uncomfortable.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry asked, already putting toast on his plate.

"You haven't seen the Prophet yet, have you?" Hermione held the paper in her hand, a weary expression on her face. Harry froze.

"No... I haven't been looking at the Prophet anymore, all it is anymore is rubbish...why?"

"Well..." Hermione slid the paper to him. His heart stopped. The front showed a photograph of him in Hogsmeade, kissing Draco in the snow, a view of the shreaking shack in the background. All you could see of Draco was his brown hair and the Gryffindor scarf. But Harry's face was in clear view. Harry remembered the rustling they heard in the trees and he suddenly felt stupid. He looked down to the article, a sense of dread in his stomach.

Harry Potter's Secret Boyfriend?

Harry Potter, the boy who lived, and the boy who lied. Currently known throughout the Wizarding World for his delusions of Voldemort's "return". Infamous for his madness, he seems to have someone else to share his madness with. Any girls who were still fanning over the boy are in for a huge disappointment as we uncover the source of his insanity...

Harry stopped reading. He couldn't bare to go on. He suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore. He looked up to the Slytherin table. Draco wasn't there. Hermione looked at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry, Harry. " Ron frowned. "Why haven't you told us? Who's the bloke?"

"It's - no one." Harry said quietly.

"You know that we're not judging you. The Daily Prophet's is rubbish anyways. Liking another Wizard isn't bad or even insane." Ron said, patting his shoulder. "I'll jinx any one who tries to mess with you." Ron promised.

"Thanks." Harry gave a slight smile. He still felt a weight on his chest.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked. Harry couldn't help but think that was a stupid question to ask.

"I'm fine- I just need to step out for a second... I left something in the common room." Harry said and quickly left the great hall.

He hated the Prophet. It was one thing to have the Prophet printing out fake stories about him.  It was different having such an intimate aspect of his personality being berated, so that he whole wizarding world could see. And this time, there was photographic proof. He couldn't just claim it was a lie. Not that anyone would believe him, even if there wasn't a photo.

He went to into the boys bathroom, to the sinks. He looked at himself in the mirror, his expression flustered and distressed. He turned on the sink and splashed some water on his face.

He needed to think clearly about it all. It wasn't really too big of a deal. Everyone already thought he was crazy. At least Draco wasn't exposed. He should just ignore it all and carry on. But the weight in his chest refused to lift.

He heard the door open behind him. He turned to face a burly Slytherin, a silver badge on his chest. He was part of the Inquisitorial Squad. When he saw Harry a malicious smile spread across his face.

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