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By the time Harry reached the common room, he still didn't know how he felt. 

It was like he had just spontaneously taken the best risk ever. He wondered what Ron and Hermione would say if they knew. Half of him wanted to tell them, anxious to share the bizarre turn of events. But he was half afraid of what they'd think; what they'd say if they knew... 

Would they think of him differently? Harry reminded himself that this was Ron and Hermione. They've been by his side for five years, this wouldn't turn them against him. But every time he thought about telling them, anxiety would build in his throat. He decided he wouldn't tell them unless they almost figure it out for themselves and Harry doubted that would happen. 

Harry climbed through the portrait hole to the Gryffindor common room. Ron and Hermione were there waiting anxiously, but Harry's light expression seemed to make them relax. 

"What happened?" Ron asked as Harry sat down in a comfy chair beside them. He told them a very  basic outline of everything, leaving out the kiss. 

"I told him your idea of the sickles, Hermione, and he seemed to like that idea. So he's got one now." Harry praised Hermione. 

"So everything is alright now." Hermione gave a sigh of relief. 

"With Draco, yeah." Harry nodded. "But we still have Umbridge to watch out for." 

Hermione frowned. 

"There's not much we can do about that except be more careful about D.A. meetings and talking to Draco." She sighed. 

Harry wished he could escape. Or just send Umbridge far away. Or ensure Voldemort never existed in the first place. Maybe then would Harry be able to live a normal life. But he knew it was no good to dwell on that. No good to dwell on dreams. 

He rubbed his temples before sitting up. 

"We should work on that essay Mcgonagall gave us..." He changed the subject. 

That was the night he saved Arthur Weasley. After seeing him being attacked, through the eyes of the snake. Transported by portkey with the Weasleys, he awaited to hear news on Mr. Weasley's condition. He remembered the amount of blood an his heart sank to the pit of his stomach. 

He felt dangerous. He feared to go to sleep because he didn't want to endanger anyone. A big part of him felt guilt. What if it was his fault that Mr. Weasley was attacked in the first place? Even though everyone kept telling him Harry was the reason he was even alive. 

They were told Mr. Weasley was going to be alright, and make a full recovery. They spent Christmas at Grimmuald place with Sirius, who was happy to have company during the Holidays.

Harry spoke to Sirius upstairs, while he was feeding buckbeak. He shared his concern about the snake, and Sirius reassured him. But he also told him about Draco, not including the kiss. 

"So you're friends with a Malfoy now?" Asked Sirius with a small chuckle. 

"Draco. He's helped us out alot..." Said Harry. But Sirius frowned. 

"Don't be too quick to trust him." Sirius warned him. Harry's mind flashed to Peter Pettigrew. He shook the thought away. 

"He's different. Trust me, He's really just - great." Said Harry. Sirius looked at him wearily. 

"You could get yourself into a whole lot of trouble. Regarding this curse business.." He looked at him with a sad expression. "And I don't just mean legally." 

Harry's heart dropped. He thought his godfather would understand. 

"What are you saying?" Harry asked quietly. 

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